March 10, 2007

The Economics of Online Advertising

"Mark Jacobsen pointed to a sobering post by Jeremy Lieuw on the lightspeed venture blog about the economics of online advertising. Entitled Three ways to build an online media business to $50m in revenue, the article does the math..."

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How to Develop Your IT Skills and Raise Your Standard of Living

The information technology field is highly competitive, and it’s only getting worse. As more fresh-faced college kids flood into the employment pool, getting a good paying job has become an upstream swim. Here is a comprehensive overview on how to make more money in IT and learn valuable skills in the process.

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MUST SEE Photo series: Extreme Things on Earth

This series of incredible photos include the largest seed on earth, the longest residential building, Largest Quicksand, Largest Flower / Parasite, Deepest Cave, Largest impact crater, Lowest Elevation, Windiest place, Highest Elevation, Hottest place, Wettest place, Smallest Park, Tallest water fall, Thickest Ice Sheet, and Most populated city

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How To: Make Your Own Biodiesel

Anybody can make biodiesel. It's easy, you can make it in your kitchen -- and it's BETTER than the petro-diesel fuel the big oil companies sell you. Your diesel motor will run better and last longer on your home-made fuel, and it's much cleaner

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Illegal drugs can be harmless, report says

Illegal drugs can be "harmless" and should no longer be "demonised", a wide-ranging two-year study concluded today.

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Big Brother State -- GENIUS animation about surveillance society

Big Brother State' is a nice animation about surveillance society with examples of trusted computing and CCTV. This is brilliant -- some of the best work on the subject I've ever seen. Watch it NOW.

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March 9, 2007

Put Your Best Foot Forward: 19 Gorgeous Website Footers

When it comes to priority in web design, footers often take the back seat. Many designers just add a few links, a w3c badge or two, some copyright info and call it good. Below is a list of footers I found that stand out: they look great, make creative use of the space available, or just plain work well.

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Meet EZTV, The Leading TV-torrent Distribution Group

EZTV has been the leading TV-torrent distribution group for over a year now. They collect and distribute the TV-torrents, that find their way to millions of people every week. Time to have a chat with one of the EZTV crew members, to find out a little more about them.

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Digg has Added a Jobs Page... and We're Hiring

We've now added a jobs page as a central place to find what positions are available at Digg. Currently, there are three listings in the jobs section, but there will be more in the near future so keep checking periodically. For Operations we're looking to find a DBA and a Senior Systems Engineer. And, we're looking for a great graphic designer too.

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25 Killer Code Snippets Every Good Web Designer Should See

Round up 25 of the Best CSS, scripts, html and widgets that you can use on on your website or blog..

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How to move an iTunes library from a PC to Mac (and back)

The best, Apple-endorsed way to move an iTunes library is to use iTunes 7's built-in backup and restore. However, if you're like me and you've got a 60 gigabyte library and you don't have time to stand around burning a dozen DVD's, the method described here lets you copy the files, with playlists and ratings, directly from one computer to another

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March 8, 2007

The Economist ranks the world's most expensive cities

Oslo and Paris top the list. New York is only No. 28. Where does your city rank?

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How Do You Intercept Someone Else's Text Message?

Retail giant Wal-Mart fired an employee Monday for eavesdropping on phone calls and intercepting text messages between the company's media-relations staff and a New York Times reporter. How do you intercept a text message? The Explainer explains all.

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March 7, 2007

Really Cool Music Video Banned from MTV

This video titled "Agenda Suicide" by The Faint, is a moving mixed-media masterpiece (say that 10 times fast) but due to it's controversial/offensive imagery, was banned from an MTV Awards show. Still it's awesome.

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Magic Weed - History of Marijuana Throughout the World

From 8000bc to today, the history of cannabis. With its origins in China, its uses have ranged from medicine, clothing, war, feed stock, and of course, recreational. Also explored in this documentary is the American relationship with hemp, including its ban during the 1920s

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Finally: A UNDERSTANDABLE Explanation of 3 Ways to Fold Shirts!

This "folding expert" really seems to know his stuff--this is the only video I've found that actually shows you how to fold shirts in that crazy Japanese style. It's super easy to understand with this video. Oh--and he has this automatic cardboard think--way cool!

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What if Pot were advertised like prescription drugs?

"Some of the highlights of Posativa may include increased appetite, lower blood pressure, and significantly lower stress."

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Video: Penn & Tellers message to terrorists everywhere

Very funny post-9/11 rebuttal to terrorists everywhere. You have got to love their unique and funny outlook on life...

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Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing-AMAZING

This video is a Neal Adams animation about his theory that the Earth is growing. This collides with the Pangea theory. Watch it, you will be amazed.

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When people argue about religion without knowing what they're doing

GodWords makes a good point in posting this video. Nobody would recommend arguing this way, but lots of people do. Why is that?

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Forza Motorsport 2 In-Game Video

Here is a new 9 minutes in-game video of Forza 2 with comentaries of a couple of the producers of Forza Motorsport 2.

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HOLY CRAP : Crackdown ,Driving up the Agency tower , This is sweet.

Wow, you can drive the Crackdown SUV up to the top of the Agency tower. This is a cool glitch, if this doesnt convince you to max out your abilities, nothing will.

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Monty Python and Holy Grail, The Full Movie

Well it the full version and it's funny

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Family Guy - Redneck version of the History of the Universe (by Carl Sagan)

This is pretty hilarious. An animated Carl Sagan talks about the history of the universe with redneck dubbing. Christianity and Mountain Dew in one video, can't go wrong with that!

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Steve Carell drunk on The Daily Show (w/ Stephen Colbert)

Quite possibly one of the funniest segments ever done on The Daily Show.

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Larry King On The Colbert Report!

Stephen want to know if Larry King's suspenders are lethal weapons. Larry calls Stephan Colbert an ego-maniac!-great fun.

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Family Guy--Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson Are Left Behind

Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, the two worst hate mongers in the world, are left behind by Jesus in the Rapture. What they do next I can't say, better watch the video.

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History Of Marijuana In A Clever Animation

Quick animation shows the true history of Marijuana.

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Steve Carrell and Stephen Colbert : Even Stepvhen

Best of Even Stepvhen, from the ten F#^%ing years daily show special

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Republican Senator Suggests Possibility Of Bush Impeachment

According to a new report in Esquire magazine, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) has suggested that Congress may consider the impeachment of President Bush before his term ends.

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Who's to blame for those alarming Patriot Act revisions?

The U.S. attorneys purge scandal is heating up. Hearings in both houses of Congress are scheduled for today. Senator Specter is claiming that his chief counsel Michael O'Neill slipped the change in at the behest of Brett Tolman, who benefited from it when he became the U.S. attorney for Utah.

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College porn newest trend on campuses

When you think of a college-operated sex magazine, what do you think would be in it? Pages and pages of porn, right? Maybe a feminist poem depicting the life and times of a vagina? The newest vibrators on the market? The answers to the above questions are a resounding yes, yes and yes.

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Putin kills another reporter? Dead man researched arms to Iran and Syria

A Russian reporter who died after falling out of a window was investigating sales of weapons by Russia to Syria and Iran, his newspaper Kommersant said Tuesday. Ivan Safronov had told his newspaper that he had "received information" about the sale of Sukhoi-34 fighter jets to Syria and S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran via Belarus.

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Different Ways To Vaporize Your Weed (yes as in marijuana - with pictures)

Herbal enthusiasts -- otherwise known as potheads -- are putting a high-tech spin on the age-old practice of getting high as a kite. Tokers are turning to specialized devices that vaporize marijuana rather than burning it. The vaporizers get hot enough to extract all the plant's psychotropic chemicals, but not hot enough to actually combust. T ...

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12 Quick Tips To Search Google Like An Expert

A useful list of tips for using Google search for those that are still stuck on the basics. I'll bet even tech geeks will find at least one item on the list that they hadn't used before.

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Alcohol and tobacco are deadlier than ecstasy, report warns

The government is to be urged to consider a controversial plan to reclassify drugs according to the harm they do. The new ranking system would see alcohol placed high on the scale because of its links to violence and car accidents. Tobacco, would also come before Cannabis and the now class-A drug ecstasy.

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March 6, 2007

Gmail tips to enhance productivity

Matt Cutts, Google's best spam fighter and all around smart guy, tells us about a few things he does in Gmail to make sure he wastes as little time as possible. Since email is a necessary evil for many people who find themselves drowning in their inbox, these three tips will surely find their way into every day use for many.

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Auto Install ALL 2000/XP/2003 Windows Updates from CD [download]

How many times have you had to reinstall a someones Windows OS onsite? How many times has that person only had a 56k modem to download the Windows updates?. If you answer is more than once then this free tool is for you.

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Instant Expert: Secrets & Features of iTunes 7.1

Wondering what's new and interesting in today's release of iTunes 7.1? Here's the breakdown. (1) Full-Screen Cover Flow: Our pictures below show the evolution of Cover Flow from iTunes 7.0 to iTunes 7.1. Previously, Cover Flow appeared only in a pane within the iTunes window, as shown in the first picture below. Now...

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MIT puts entire curriculum at disposal of e-learners

This is awesome. MIT putting all its information from all its courses by the end of the year? Hey imagine when other major institutions follow suit - what a powerful resource! Hope they put a decent search engine on it!

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life is absurd