October 8, 2005

Control Your PC Remotely From Firefox

LogMeIn Adds Native Mozilla Support

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Complete Digg Tools Collection

Comprehensive resource for all things related to Digg.

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NASA Is One Step Away From Revealing If Einstein Was Right

Putting Relativity To The Test, NASA's Gravity Probe B Experiment Is One Step Away From Revealing If Einstein Was Right.

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CNN Interview with Kevin Mitnick

Interesting interview with the (in)famous hacker Kevin Mitnick

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October 7, 2005

34 Things you may not know about your Toyota Prius

This one is for all of the enviro-friendly individuals who purchased a Toyota Prius. A laundry list of things you might not know about this fab vehicle.

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Panoramic Pictures From Katrina's Destruction

Panoramic views of Hurricane Katrina's devastation.Views from New Orleans, Pascagoula, Biloxi and Waveland.

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Watch the first nine minutes of Serenity!

For those of you who are Serenity-curious or for fans who need a fix between showings, Universal had made the first nine minutes of Serenity available for web viewing! Shiny!

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Awsome List Of Best Torrent Sites!!

List of Best Torrent Sites Around. Ranked By the number of Torrents on Site;Trackers;Seeds;Leetches.

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Anonymous Bittorrent

Yes folks, that horrible day for the RIAA/MPAA/(insert your favorite four letter word here) has really arrived, anonymous P2P is here.

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Xbox 360 Hard Drive Content Revealed

Microsoft has submitted the media content of the Xbox 360 hard drive to the British Board of Film Classification for the organization to classify the age-rating.

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How To Set Up Azureus

"To get Azureus running properly and efficiently a few settings deep within the configuration panel need to be set. IĆ¢��m writing this article so I can send it to those who need a quick way to install Azureus and getting it running quickly."

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Al Qaeda puts job ads on Internet

"Al Qaeda has put job advertisements on the Internet asking for supporters to help put together its Web statements and video montages, an Arabic newspaper reported".........***Applicants must have pure hatred of the West; Photoshop experience a PLUS!***

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SuprNova.org is becoming NewNova.org with torrents

The guy from suprnova.org gave his old code to a new owner a torrent site called newnova.org looks exacly like suprnova but with a new name and owner.

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Al Qaeda puts job ads on Internet

"Al Qaeda has put job advertisements on the Internet asking for supporters to help put together its Web statements and video montages, an Arabic newspaper reported".........***Applicants must have pure hatred of the West; Photoshop experience a PLUS!***

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nano scratches

What a black iPod nano looks like after 3 weeks of normal use

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Call Level 3 - they're the ones that broke the Internet

If you can't connect to half the 'net, it's because Level 3 and Cogent are having a hissy spat over who's carrying more traffic, and Level 3 has responded by blocking access to their backbone. Call them at 720-888-1000 to tell them what you think.

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October 6, 2005

New Google Maps photo explorer

Panoramio brings a great new photo explorer to Google Maps. This new interactive photo atlas makes it easy for you to browse the world and contribute your own photos to specific geographic regions.

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Super Charge FireFox with "FasterFox" Extension (not FireTune)

This extension automatically employs link prefetching, network tweaking, enhanced pop-up blocking, along with simultaneous connections, pipe-lining, enhanced caching, DNS caching, and initial paint delaying to make FireFox so fast it can break servers (or at least hurt them).

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New TorrentSpy.com Website Design!

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Disposable e-mail address roundup

Here's a pretty nice roundup of some of the services available to create throwaway e-mail addresses to keep your inbox free from spam.

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Eight Must-Have Bookmarklets

A bookmarklet is a snippet of Javascript that can be bookmarked (or saved as a favorite) inside your web browser. Bookmarklets can enhance web pages, add special functionality and make your browsing experience a lot more efficient by offering one-click access to useful tools.

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DIY: 6 Ways to Link iPods and Car Radios

Here's a run-down, from worst to best, of the ways to link your iPod, other digital music player, or portable CD player to your car's radio.

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October 5, 2005

CSS Hacks Chart

Will the browser apply the rule(s)?

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New Algorithm Compresses Photos to 15x Smaller Than JPEG, Without Data Loss

A 25-year old Singapore man develops a new compression method for digital photos that could revolutionize the industry.

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Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh to direct Halo movie!

The executive producer of the upcoming Halo movie will be Peter Jackson. He will be working with Fran Walsh on the film. Thank god the Uwe Boll rumor was fake.

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Decyphering...and cyphering...driver's licenses

Site explains and provides tools to determine someone's DL#, and the reverse process as well.

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Musicians Tell How to 'Beat the System'

Web sites instruct fans on how to beat copy-protected CDs.

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HDTV "easter egg" found in "My Name is Earl"

If you watched "My Name is Earl" in SD, you didn't see this. Check out these two pics that only HDTV viewers saw. NBC & Earl tell you what they think of HDTV!

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Kevin Smith Video Diary Begins - Making of Clerks 2

Kevin Smith reveals all in this NEW on-going on-set diary in glorious QuickTime. Snooches!

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Create your own social networking site like Digg!

Want to make your own Digg? Or Del.Icio.Us? How about making a Hot or Not for goldfish? Or even a Craigs List? Well this site lets you make all of them using there excellent sandbox!

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Google says we don't need Windows

Google boss Eric Schmidt worked at Sun Microsystems for 14 years, so it's no surprise he shares a vision for the future of computers and networks with Sun boss Scott McNealy. And it's no surprise that future doesn't include a place for Microsoft. Google is so hot right now that Schmidt doesn't have to say much of anything to make waves.

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HOW-TO: Set up keyless entry to your house via your cellphone

Great article that tells you how to set up keyless entry to your house using a cellphone.

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Video clip of the recent solar eclipse

Taken in Madrid. "What you see is the form of the sun when the moon was passing in front of it, then the shadow of the moon is reflected through the leaves of the trees."

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eHub is a constantly updated list of web applications, services, resources, blogs or sites with a focus on next generation web

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Devices can halt cars with tardy payments

It was only a matter of time. The box - called a starter interrupt unit - is used mostly at used-car dealerships that provide financing to customers with bad credit. But other segments of the auto industry may adopt it, particularly if consumers' credit ratings continue to decline.

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Fingerprint Payment System Becoming a Reality

A San Francisco start-up, Pay By Touch Solutions, is expected to announce today $130 million in fresh financing for a novel way of paying for groceries and other goods and services: a machine that reads your fingerprint.

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Diggers Flood Radio Show After Show On Digg.com Is Announced

I am the producer of The Profits Doctors show and we were swamped with responses by Diggers to our show about Digg.com. It was so big we talked to the radio station about adding a digger show each week on another day. They are very interested. Let us know if more diggers will be call-in guests.

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Taiwan raps Google over map label

The country of Taiwan has complained to Google about the fact that it's listed as a "Province of China".

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MIT's Amazing Brush (Video Included)

This fascinating brush from the MIT Media Lab is much more then it looks like; it has a video camera as well as light and touch sensors included. Brush it over any surface, and Ć¢�� just like the color picker available in every painting software Ć¢�� it will pick up the color, texture and even movement.

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A first look at GIMP 2.4

A major update to the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), widely regarded as the leading free software raster image editing program, is scheduled for this month. The 2.4 release is expected to include a number of new features and enhancements to existing features.

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Paint.NET v2.5 beta now available

What happens when WSU geeks up MS Paint with Microsoft's blessing and offers it for FREE?.....It's no Photoshop or Gimp but it's not bad....

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Apple Event October 12th New Powerbooks NOT iPods

Select members of the industry and media received invitations Tuesday from Apple to a special event taking place one week from today at the California Theater in San Jose. The event, Think Secret has learned, will not usher in the much rumored video iPod but rather new PowerBook and Power Mac systems.

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US scientists resurrect deadly 1918 flu

In a surprise announcement, scientists in the US say they have recreated the influenza virus that killed at least 50 million people in 1918, and they have infected mice with it.

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Podcasting made easy

This site makes it SO easy to produce a podcast that it is actually obscene. I work hard to get my podcast out each week and these people come along and make it so easy my mum could do it! I hate them ;)

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life is absurd