President George Bush's claims about what will happen if we pull out of Iraq is almost word-for-word identical to Richard Nixon's speech explaining why we must not pull out of Vietnam.
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April 28, 2007
Four different Disney ride operator simulators
These are operator simulators of four different Disney rides: Tower of Terror, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and Phantom Manor. In all of them, you're pretty much trying to get as many people on the ride in as short a time as possible.
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A lot of sites have been promoting pages for web developers, but none of them have asked what people are actually using to do good work. This site hopes to answer that question and provide people with the best sites first - not somewhere in the middle of long lists.
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The Top Ten Free Website Tools and Services
The Internet abounds with freebies and a do-no-evil attitude. And although there are many services that are worth every penny that you pay, here are the top ten freebies to help you build traffic and create a better visitor experience on your web site.
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Designers: financial proof that good design matters (show your boss)!
This blog entry shows how a design change added 13% to the bottom line of this guy's business. So if you're a designer, show this to your boss and then ask for a pay raise!
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5 Future Military Technologies
We have seen the future of fighting, and it's rayguns, sentry robots and liquid armor.
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April 27, 2007
Drug Test Cowboys: The Secret World of Pharmaceutical Trial Subjects
Every year, millions of volunteers participate in clinical trials in return for quick cash. A few turn pro. Welcome to the guinea pig underground.
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LifeHacker's Top 10: USB thumb drive tricks
Is that a gigabyte in your pocket? And are you putting it to good use? Developers and road warriors have come up with all sorts of innovative techniques for putting these tiny roomy disks to good use. Step into my office for a list of our top 10 favorite thumb drive tricks.
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Firefox + bittorrent + Mac/Linux/PC + streaming video = Happyness
Red Swoosh quietly came out of Beta and released FoxTorrent, a Firefox extension anybody can use. Mac/Linux/PC support, streaming torrent downloads, auto-configuration. Pretty cool open-sourced project on GoogleCode opened project up at
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Nine Inch Nails Willingly Upload Tracks to The Pirate Bay
Take that RIAA, Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails upload their own tracks to The Pirate Bay
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April 26, 2007
These Female Gamers Will Make Your Heart Stop.
Pics and Interviews with HOT female gamers who are just as involved in video games as the next guys.
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The Customer Service Hall of Shame
These companies topped a list of more than 400 nominated by MSN Money readers. An MSN Money-Zogby poll ranked the 'Bottom 10,' and the 'winner' is . . .
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FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2007
For the 2007 installment of FHM Online's 100 Sexiest Women in the World, we received thousands of votes for everyone from talk show hosts to supermodels to professional wrestlers. Did last year's winner Scarlett Johansson come out on top? Or was a new queen crowned? You’ll have to click to find out.
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H.R. 1592 Churches will be challenged all over the U.S.
Christians had better get off their bottoms. If this passes churches all over the U.S. will be challenged under the provisions of this bill. They will be forced to take in those of other "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" or face prosecution under the phrase of "denial of goods and services". Next will be the teachings of The Bible.
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Slate on the Brain
Slate Magazine has just done a special issue on the brain that might interest Neuromarketing readers.
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Six Must-Know HDTV Facts
Disappointed by how fuzzy CNN looks on your new HDTV? Wondering why Jack Bauer looks so soft and plump on your new flat-screen? Maybe it's because you're not really watching HD on your high-def TV.
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Who's Digging You?
Who are you digging, and who is digging you? I've written a little script using Digg's new API to show who is digging whom and to browse around the giant Digg social network.
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Breaking: Top Gonzales Aide Monica Goodling Offered Immunity To Testify
The House Judiciary Committee voted this morning to grant immunity to Monica Goodling, former counsel to Alberto Gonzales. Yesterday, fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias said he believes that Goodling holds the "keys to the kingdom" in terms of uncovering the roots of the U.S. Attorney purge.
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White House Rediscovers Constitution, Admits Congress Has Oversight Role
(W/video). Last month, the White House adopted talking points that reflected a truly radical interpretation of the Constitution: that Congress has no oversight responsibility over the White House. But today, the WH spokesperson admitted, "Congress has a role to play, which is oversight over the executive branch."
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Scientists Make Major Breakthrough in Regenerative Medicine
Findings described in a new study by Stanford scientists may be the first step toward a major revolution in human regenerative medicine--a future where advanced organ damage can be repaired by the body itself.
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Marijuana Shrinks Tumors, Government Knew In 1974
While trying to prove the opposite, a researcher stumbled onto the fact that marijuana aggressively kills some forms of cancer.The government stepped in, shut down the study, and burned all the research. The study has since been proven to be true.
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6 Common Myths about Sleep
It is a common myth that as you age you require less sleep to function properly. This is not exactly the case...
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8 defensive programming best practices to prevent breaking your sites
This article describes some software development best practices that have been used to prevent problems that can break Web sites.
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Wordpress Theme Generator
If you want to create a unique personalized WordPress theme, but don't know how to use CSS or PHP: try this Theme Generator. Change colors, layout, header, font, several settings and preview instantly. Result is a saved to .zip file, download, extract and upload. Great new WordPress tool.
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What Is PageRank? A Guide For Searchers & Webmasters
A comprehensive guide to PageRank designed for searchers and site owners alike.
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April 25, 2007
Geek to Live: Build an internet jukebox with Jinzora
Free, open source software called Jinzora puts a slick, web-based media player frontend on your web server. With Jinzora installed on your home server, you can browse your music library, create playlists on the fly and stream your music over the internet from your home computer or internet-enabled handheld from anywhere.
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Ars Technica Review: Adobe Photoshop CS3
Well, it has arrived—probably the most-anticipated program for Intel Macs has made its way to Apple's newest CPU platform, and you can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from Mac users (it's only slightly louder than the mumbles of "don't do this to us again" from Adobe). But CS3 isn't just a small update—it's chock full of enough new stuff
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Learn to professionally slice in CSS with this 9 page full-featured guide!
A concise, 9 page full-featured guide for anybody who is interested in becoming a CSS web designer, CSS Slicing Guide teaches you how to take a layout straight out of Photoshop, or infact any graphics program, and turn it into fully standards compliant XHTML and CSS with superfast loadtimes. Check it out!
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April 24, 2007
301 Useless Facts
1 Americans are responsible for about 1/5 of the world’s garbage annually. On average, that’s 3 pounds a day per person. 2 Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels. 3 The ZIP in “ZIP code” means Zoning Improvement Plan 4 40% of McDonald’s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.
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Ubuntu Performance Guides
Improve performance in Ubuntu OS using the techniques described in these guides.
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Daring Fireball: Coda
"What Xcode is to app development and what Dashcode is to widget development — that’s what Coda is to web development. Replace Coda’s (lovely) green leaf icon with some sort of blueprint-with-a-tool-on-top and it’d be easy to convince someone that it’s “Webcode”, a new app from Apple itself."
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5 Scandals that Rocked Art
Forgeries, thefts, and outright vandalism? That’s right. Art history’s about to get a whole lot more interesting.
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New Forza 2 Screen Melts Brains With Amazing Detail!
I have rarely write an article simply to feature one picture. It’s just plain silly if you think about it. And entire article…over just a picture? But this one, this one is different. The amount of detail in this picture is simply amazing!
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Summer '07 Movie Mayhem!
In anticipation — and trepidation — of this Summer’s sequels-filled blockbuster movie season, here's a run down of the 25 films worth watching, which lists why they might be awesome, and also how they could easily suck ass.
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AttenTV Turns Web Surfing into Eerie Spectator Sport
Do you want to see what sites others are viewing? A service called AttenTV aims to turn "clickstreams" into entertainment.
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The "Silent" Ninth Amendment
The history of the Constitution reveals the purpose of the Ninth and the Founders' intent: to protect what constitutional lawyers call unenumerated rights -- those rights the Founder assumed and felt no need to specify in the Bill of Rights. Unenumerated rights include, for example, the right to privacy.
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Bank Of America Let Conwoman Steal My Dead Aunt's Identity
Ariel's wealthy aunt died. When his mom went to open her safe deposit box, which was supposed to hold $300k in bonds and jewels, it was empty. The bank clerk said that it had been emptied that morning, by the aunt...
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Dutch "Coffee Shops" Vow To Keep on Smoking Pot Despite Smoking Ban
The Dutch may well follow other European countries in banning tobacco smoking in restaurants, cafes and bars, but a pot shop owner says it should still be possible to smoke dope."It is ridiculous to think that a smoking ban would be the end of coffee shops,"
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Fascist America, in 10 easy steps...
From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all
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'Impeachment rallies' scheduled across US for Saturday
People will call for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney at over 100 actions planned across the country on Saturday, April 28.The creative actions include rallies, banner drops on freeways, "guerrilla slide shows" on the sides of New York City buildings, skywriting, and "human murals"...
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HOLY GRAIL OF PLANT BIOLOGY: Signal that triggers flowering discovered !
The study reveals the likely mechanism by which the Arabidopsis plant flowers in response to changes in day length.
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60 best CSS directories you would die to watch!
A compendium of best CSS directories, CSS showcase, CSS galleries that ranks websites (using CSS) on the basis of ‘alexa ranking’, colors, categories, tags, ratings and RSS.
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6 Degrees of Computer Science
Pretty graph of differences between Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and other thesaurus terms that confuse University bound students.
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HowTo Create a smoke effect in Photoshop
Here is how you can make some very cool smoke with just a simple filter effect. I haven't seen a tutorial like this on the internet yet so I thought I had better post one. But anyway I find it a very useful method, I use it quite a bit.
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Firefox Extension that Speeds up use of Digg
With this extension, you can right-click anywhere to get access to almost all pages on Digg. So, instead of having to click four or five times to navigate to a particular Digg page, you can get there in a single click!
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RSS in plain English
A video tutorial explaining the basics of RSS, as simple and elegant as Common Craft's inimitable paper-and-marker technique.
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April 23, 2007
TheSpecialist's HDDHackr v0.90 - Upgrade Xbox360 with cheap 120GB PC drive
TheSpecialist released the update of HDDHackr many of you were probably waiting for. With the release of an official 120GB drive by Microsoft you can now use this tool to make your own 120GB Xbox360 HDD using a Western Digital BEVS-LAT drive (that's a cheap SATA 2.5" PC/laptop drive):
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Google Declares Stephen Colbert As Greatest Living American
Colbert Google bombing himself. Bathtub dedicated to the Greatest Living American
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The Top 50 Movie Endings of All Time...Ultimate SPOILER ALERT!
We spent literally months brainstorming and corralling the 50 films with the absolute best endings we've ever seen. We're not talking about the last half hour. We mean the last minute of movie. You know, the ending. Needless to say you can consider this entire article one monster SPOILER ALERT
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The Five Hottest Nerds
All these girls earn their nerd status because they either have played a nerd on screen or they are nerds in real life.
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The Bash Quick Reference Guide
A one-stop handy quick reference for the Bash Shell. All the information you need, in one place.
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Building A "Digg Clone" Using Pligg And VBulletin: Design & Development
A small design/development firm takes on a big company's website re-design to show off their humorous stories about people being fired at their jobs. Re-designing the site to utilize a "digg" like interface, integrated login with VBulletin forums and a web 2.0 look & feel. If you're looking to work with Pligg or voting like "digg," read this story.
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Time Warner partners with FON, customers to get free WiFi
Just like it has in so many other instances, Fon has coaxed yet another company into signing the line, and this time it's Time Warner taking the bait. While the two firms had been in talks for some time regarding a potential partnership, today the duo made things official.
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2min animation that visually sums up Military Industry Complex behind wars
1 year old, but featured everywhere, seen by everyone, but Americans (and Digg).
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Right-wing blogs discover massive conspiracy to hide WMDs in Iraq
(updated below - updated again) Melanie Phillips is a British neoconservative who has devoted herself to warning England that Muslims are taking over and destroying its culture. Her
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Bush Administration Under a Cloud
A rundown of Bush appointees who left under a cloud or face conflict-of-interest allegations
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“I Don’t Care What the Judge Said!” Marijuana user found Not Guilty
Juries in the United States have the power to effectively change law. In this case against a man for his 3rd possession of marijuana, a brave jury member stands up for marijuana users everywhere and convinces the jury to give him a 'not guilty' verdict.
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Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin dies
Former President Boris Yeltsin has died, a Kremlin official said Monday. He was 76. Kremlin spokesman Alexander Smirnov told The Associated Press that Yeltsin died, but gave no cause of death or further information.
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An Introduction to Square-Foot Gardening
Grow your own food and save money. "The square-foot gardening concept is simple: Build a raised bed, divide the space into sections of one square-foot each, and then plant vegetables (and/or flowers) in just the amount of space they need..."
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Top 10 Artificial Technologies Ready to Create a Real Human Being
The pace, at which, scientists are doing experiments with the artificial body parts, somehow it seems like we would be able to create a real human being very soon in the near future.
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Apple Video Contest: Create a Modest Mouse music video
Apple is hosting a contest for all you editors out there. The contest is to create the music video to the song "Missed the boat" by Modest Mouse. Apple includes gigs and gigs of green screen footage for you to play with. Check it out if you're interested, the winning entry will be featured at the official Modest Mouse music video.
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Upgrading Ubuntu From Edgy to Feisty (6.10 to 7.04) :: the How-To Geek
Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Here’s the quick list of new features for your enjoyment, but you should really upgrade to see everything for yourself
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Top 100 Blogs ranked by FeedBurner subscribers
"I thought it would be both interesting and fun to create a top 100 (or so) of the sites with the highest number of subscribers, as reported by FeedBurner. If you know of any large sites which are not on the list post in the comments."
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