August 19, 2006

Google releases Blogger API

"Alongside yesterday's Blogger Beta launch comes some great news for Blogger API developers � Blogger now has a Google Data API!"

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August 18, 2006

10 things you should be monitoring

Tracking your buzz is really something that is becoming more and more important over and will continue to increase in importance as time goes on. In order to manage your reputation you need to track the right things, so here's a list of 10 things that you absolutely need to be monitoring.

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Which Mac For Me: Photographer

The first in the series of �Which Mac For Me� articles: Which setup suits a photographer best, both on a budget, and with cash to splash.

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.Mac Needs to Be Radically Retooled

If only Steve Jobs and Co. could get as excited about revamping .Mac as they are about Time Machine. This article has some great examples of how .Mac could become less of an embarrassment for the Apple community.

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Vote Stephen Colbert, not Chuck Norris, for Bridge in Hungary

The Hungarian Government is using this innovative and well-designed website to choose who their new bridge is named after. This website is the direct link for voting so you don't have to read Hungarian to find it on Don't let Stephen Colbert beat Chuck Norris!

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MacBook Firmware Update Now Available!

The SMC Firmware Update adjusts fan behavior in the MacBook. The updater application will be installed in the /Applications/Utilities folder. Please follow the instructions in the updater application to complete the process.

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CSS3 Preview

Many exciting new functions and features are being thought up for CSS3. Here are some that can be previewed.

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Google Coy Over Use of Facial-Recognition Technology

"Don't think Google will just use facial-recognition technology it acquired from its purchase of Neven Vision for Picasa. That's not Google's modus operandi. That's not Google's modus operandi. If it can, Google will employ Neven Vision's technology in its online search engines to improve the way to find photographs on the Web."

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10 definitions of Web 2.0

10 definitions of web 2.0 and why they don't always fit.

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AMAZING LEGO NEW YORK CITY!!! looks so real!


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Quad-core is On the Way

Thought Two Cores was enough? It isn �t. Really. Intel confirmed today that they will be releasing a 2.67 GHz quad-core Core 2 Extreme this holiday season. Drooling, yet?

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TiVo wins permnanent injunction against EchoStar DVR!

The judge just ruled, and I posted the court document hot of the presses. Most Dish DVRs must be shut down within 30 days and TiVo picks up a cool 10 mil.

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MacBook Is Safe From Wi-Fi Exploit After All...

Great news for Mac fans: the Wi-Fi exploit recently demonstrated at the Black Hat conference doesn't represent a flaw in Apple's software or device firmware, because the demo used third-party drivers and chips that aren't found in MacBooks. SecureWorks has changed the info about the exploit on its Web site -- and is deeply, deeply embarrassed...

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How MySpace Is Antisocial

"Today, MySpace, the world's largest networking site, has more than 102 million members, and is at the center of an entire ecosystem of startups and established firms serving up advertisements, content, and software. But as a platform for other businesses, MySpace may be far less stable than these other Web giants."

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15" PowerBook at 1920 x 1200 (WUXGA) screen resolution

This guy put a high-res display in his 15" PowerBook with the help of a MacBook Pro Display case, and has the equivalent of a 23" studio display in his laptop! Click to the second page to see some juicy pics. With Leopard's screen resolution Independence, I'm thinking about doing this to my MacBook.

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iTank: The Most Secure iPod Case Ever!

Formed from a single piece of machined aluminum, the iTank nano weighs 3 oz., costs $45US and all but guarantees that you will be pulled aside at airport security.

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Learn how to build an Ajax RSS reader

Learn how to build an Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) Really Simple Syndication (RSS) reader, as well as a Web component that you can place on any Web site to look at the articles in the RSS feeds.

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Leopard first looks: Core Animation

Mac OS X 10.5 brings another item to this list, known as Core Animation; Apple promises that this Core technology will make creating complex 3-D animations more accessible.

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August 17, 2006

Robin Williams plays John Stewart

Williams plays a fake news anchor that runs for president of the United States. Very Funny.

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Why Jon Stewart should run for President

"I think that Jon Stewart should run for President of the United States. I know I �m not the first to suggest it, and I doubt I�m the first to seriously consider it as a possibility, but I�ve given the idea some thought, and I�ve come up with 8 reasons he should run."

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Will Ferrell's New Movie - "Stranger than Fiction" (Trailer)

His new movie looks like one of his best, and stars other major stars such as Dustin Hoffman. All I can say is wow...

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A World Without Movie Theatres

"Imagine a world without movie theaters. No multiplexes. No arthouses. No way to communally experience a film. That day may be coming sooner than you think."

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Recording Industry Bans Musician From Charts For Supporting Free Music

BPI, the UK version of the RIAA, has banned a twelve year-old singer songwriter from a new music chart they were creating for schools. The reason, apparently, is that BPI doesn't want to promote young Amy Thomas' music, since she's signed to a music label that doesn't support BPI's stance on suing file sharers.

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Three years' probation for Gibson

Actor Mel Gibson has pleaded no contest to charges of drink-driving in a plea deal and has been given three years' probation, California officials said.

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Fox News Airs Call for 'Muslim-Only' Line At Airports.

"Its time to have a Muslims check-point line in America's airports and have Muslims be scrutinized. You better believe it, it's time. Most Americans want prejudice Lets be prejudiced against those who want to slaughter innocent American men, women and children. It �s time we start exercising some prejudice and stop these bloody terrorists."

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Ads Coming to Textbooks

Textbook prices are soaring into the hundreds of dollars, but in some courses this fall, students won't pay a dime. The catch: Their textbooks will have ads for companies including FedEx Kinko's and Pura Vida coffee. A small Minnesota start up is trying to shake up the status quo college textbook industry. This is sure to cause controversy.

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NYC to release 911 calls from Sept. 11

The city planned Wednesday to release hours of emergency calls from Sept. 11, 2001, after Fire Department officials said they had discovered hundreds of internal recordings made by firefighters who went to rescue people from the burning twin towers. The department offered no explanation Tuesday why the recordings had not been released previously.

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The US Constitution: Anybody Remember It?

It's a quaint little document, really. One of its major problems, of course, is that it was written by white males and as everyone knows, there must be ethnic and gender diversity in anything worth keeping these days. And so it goes out the window, this little document that's been holding our country together for a couple of hundred years...

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Air Cargo Still Largely Unchecked

Last week's terror threat forced passengers to drop bottles of water and soda, tubes of toothpaste and hand lotion, and cans of hair spray and shaving cream into the trash before boarding jetliners. But unbeknownst to most passengers, airlines loaded aluminum containers filled with largely unchecked freight into the bellies of those same planes.

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How to Get Away with Doing Nothing at Work

Tired of actually working at your job? Use these tips to help you breeze through your day while doing the least amount of work possible.

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Copperfield says he's found Fountain of Youth

Master illusionist David Copperfield says he has found the "Fountain of Youth" in the southern Bahamas, amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $50 million.

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Office Waste: Workers Kill 1.86 Hours A Day

"I'd say in a given week I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual work," Peter tells a the consultants. Well, Peter, you're not alone. A new survey by and America Online found the average U.S. worker fritters away 1.86 hours per 8-hour workday -- not including lunch and scheduled breaks.

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Disaster for Taxpayers? IRS plans to give personal info to debt collecters

�The arrogance of the IRS in pushing forward with this misguided and costly program in the face of congressional efforts to halt it is beyond belief, � said NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley. �As more details are uncovered, it is increasingly apparent that this will be disastrous for taxpayers.�

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We Have Met the Enemy in the War On Terror. . . and He Is Us

"The German people in the 1930s were happy to sacrifice their liberties to a leader who would keep them secure. They did this for 12 years. For the 8871st time, Bush II is not Adolf Hitler. However, the American people are in total denial that their own government, left unchecked, can do far more harm than any foreign terrorist."

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Joe Scarborough: �Is Bush An �Idiot�?�

Joe Scarborough started his program tonight asking the question "is Bush an idiot?". Not only did he do a great run down of clips involving some of the most famous "Bushisms", but he did have an interesting conversation about this question with Lawrence O�Donnell and John Fund.(video included)

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FOX News Producer Resigns. Says Due to Middle East Coverage

"We can no longer work with a news organization that claims to be fair and balanced when you are so far from that." They went on to write "Not only are you an instrument of the Bush White House, and Israeli propaganda, you are war mongers with no sense of decency, nor professionalism."

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Man races ankle monitor for burger

A man on house arrest for a DUI, busted-out for a burger then smashed a drive-up window when his fast food wasn't fast enough.

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The Missiles of August

The events of September 2001 disproved the assumption that only a state could make war on another state. Now Hezbollah's confrontation with Israel has provided further education about how the world is changing. Hezbollah's campaign is a clear sign of how the democratization of missile technology is reshaping global realities.

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Bush Said to Be Frustrated by Level of Public Support in Iraq

President Bush made clear in a private meeting this week that he was concerned about the lack of progress in Iraq and frustrated that the new Iraqi government � and the Iraqi people � had not shown greater public support for the American mission...

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3 Mexican Fishermen Survive 9 Months in Pacific Ocean

A day fishing trip turned into a nine month ordeal of survival. These guys drifted 5,000 miles west across the Pacific Ocean, eating only raw fish and seagulls and rain water. Fortunately, the didn't have to resort to cannibalism and were picked up close to the Marshall Islands on 9 August.

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TSA now screening faces for 'evil intent'

The Transportation Security Administration has been experimenting with a new anti-terror program which assigns officers to screen passengers' faces for 'evil intent,' according to a front page article in Thursday's New York Times.

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M-Dollar: Caught cheating: Microsoft sues

Last week, Microsoft filed a lawsuit against the site alleging that it has reason to believe that has been distributing practice questions in its guides that are "either identical or substantially similar to Microsoft's copyrighted exam questions and answers."

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Adult's treehouse a dream come true.

This guy built a pretty sweet treehouse for his kid (and himself).

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20 Great Resources on Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneruship is quickly becoming one of the most desired and sought after career paths. This list is a compilation of the best web resources for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners.

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Bill Watterson's RAREST!!! (Yes, the Watterson of Calvin & Hobbes)

Today's topic isn't clippings, though, it's even scarcer material. "The Complete Calvin and Hobbes" wasn't completely complete. Most of what you're about to see, you've never seen before. Stay tuned for...

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"The Post guesstimated the deal to hover around $20 million, but we've been told that the price tag was quite a bit higher. Never underestimate the financial viability of photographing pyramids constructed from beer cans."

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TorrentSpy users beware - Something fishy's going on

TorrentSpy seems to have a suspicious amount of similar torrents for the PC game "Prey". A search for the game pulls 131 results. All of which have similar amounts of seeders. All of them posted anonymously. All of them having slightly varying titles. Anyone in the torrent scene should spot this. Be careful downloading.. it could be a trap.

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Get your Windows Vista Beta 2 CD for FREE

Looks like Microsoft is giving away free Vista Cd's if you can answer a small quiz. I hope it isn't like the free USB flash drives that was posted a while ago...

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10 Ways to Make Your Digital Photos Last Forever

Drive crashes, lost memory cards, and corrupt CDs can destroy years of photos if you let them, but your digital pictures can last forever if you're careful. Here are 10 rules to follow to make sure you don�t lose pictures to a digital catastrophe.

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What's taking up my hard disk space? Awesome FOSS app will show you!

Disk Inventory X is a great little FOSS app that will display all the data on your hard disk visually so you can see what is taking up space. Each file is represented by a block, its size determined by the file size and its color determined by its file type. Great for finding large, unnecessary files you don't know about to save disk space!

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Now I'm a believer - going from PC to Mac

Interesting article on someone switching from a PC to a Mac - and finding out just how easy it is.

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IE Project Manager says IE7 Can't Match Firefox & Opera

Last week, Internet Explorer Group Program Manager Chris Wilson wrote a blog post where he discussed Internet Explorer (IE) and its CSS compliance. In a nutshell, the report said that IE 6 and IE 7 can't match the level of standards support found in Opera and Firefox.

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Who Benefits from AOL's Released Search Logs?

Shortly after AOL's goof, a site called AOL Stalker was created. Its main draw is that it allows people to search through the AOL database and view user searches as well as other search data. The author of the site has also posted the first in a series of basic data analyses.

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Secrets of the Pirate Bay

Story about the birth of Pirate Bay, people behind it etc.

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Digg Tools

An updated list of tools and links relating to Digg.

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Guide to getting a job at Yahoo, from Chief of HR of Yahoo

Guy Kawasaki interviews Libby Sartain, the Chief HR of Yahoo, who breaks down what Yahoo is looking in candidates and how you can get a job at Yahoo.

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Digg paths to profitability and social networking

Speaking at the Building Blocks conference in San Jose today, Digg founder and chief architect Kevin Rose described his site as a "crazy madhouse of news flying around, 100 percent user powered."

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Movie Download Service Sued Over Spyware

Washington State has sued the owners of the, alleging that the company used spyware to strong-arm users into signing up for its paid movie download service. Consumers who downloaded's free 3-day trial software were eventually hit with frequent pop-up ads informing them that they were legally obliged to buy the product.

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Firefox 2.0 Delayed to Late October

There are approximately 40 bugs in the under-construction Firefox 2.0 Beta 2, and about 100 that need to be addressed before the final goes out the door. In the meantime, the release of Firefox -- the next security update for the current production version of the browser -- has been moved up to the first week of September.

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Iranian President Launches Jihad On Microsoft

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's new blog is targeting certain Israeli visitors with a virus attack. Israeli bloggers report that the Iranian president's site is sending viruses (or Trojans) to anyone with an Israeli IP address. Well, not exactly -- he's attacking anyone from Israel using Windows and Internet Explorer.

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Microsoft Released Windows Product Key Update Tool

In the Get Genuine program from Microsoft, they released a Windows Product Key Update Tool. So after getting a legal license they can choose to keep their pirated windows installation and change the key to a genuine one. So they won't have to reinstall their PC.

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Wikimapia reached 1 million places

Wikimapia announce the creation of the 1,000,000th place. This place is Upper Room Apostolic Faith Church situated in Kansas, USA. WikiMapia is a free, multilingual, online wiki map, it allows people to mark physical locations on a map and add description in wiki style.

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In-depth review on why Google bought Neven Vision

An in-depth over of Neven Vision, image recognition software, and why Google bought them. Review breaks down patents, past publishings and integration into Google's services. -What is Google up to?

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Apple iPod's 8-Inch Screen Upgrade

Memorex has announced that they will be releasing a innovative device for Apple's iPod. Their new product is called the Memorex iFlip, and basically lets the iPod slip right into place for it to be used with its 8-Inch screen & integrated speakers. It is expected to be available in two colors, black, and of course white. Retailing for $200.... NOTE: sounds too expensive considering the price of the iPod also!

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Diggnation Won The 2006 Podcast Award For Best Tech Podcast

The 2006 People's Choice Podcast Awards chose Diggnation as the best tech podcast. Congrats Kevin, Alex and the Diggnation crew!

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Lockheed Says F-35 Could Fly Pilotless

"Lockheed Martin Corp. has proposed an unmanned version of its Joint Strike Fighter, the F-35, which would make it the first full-scale fighter to operate without a pilot and signal the Bethesda weapons maker's push into the growing market for drone aircraft."

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Unbelievably cool electric commuter bike

Check out the Yamaha Divide, an electric commuter bike that folds up at the touch of a button to become more sculpture than scooter, more modern art than motorbike. Powered by a compact "smart power" electric motor, the Divide (still at concept stage - Yamaha hopes to put into production next year) uses no petrol or oil. Cool design. Cool photos.

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Check out the new DEL.ICIO.US homepage, now with thumbnails! have now layout homepage with thumbnails!

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Google Talk Adds Voice Mail, File Sharing

Google Talk is offering an update today that will enable users to easily transfer files, set presence with music, and send and receive voice mails.

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EarthLink loses fiber line sharing case

Verizon and AT&T don't want to share those shiny new fiber networks they are installing. It's looking like they won't have to.

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New Directv HD DVR finally released

The much talked about and much delayed successor to the (now) old TiVo HD DVR has finally been released (at least in LA) and the review seems very good. Check it out. (Thanks Earl!)

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Apple says 'no' to wireless iPod claims

Apple has denied claims that the company is getting ready to offer a wireless iPod - an unusual move for a firm that usually refuses to comment on unannounced products.

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5 HTML elements you probably never use (but perhaps should)

This is a collection of HTML elements I've found to be very under-represented in markup on the web today.

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Google Analytics Now Open To Everyone

The Google Analytics Blog has announced that you no longer need an invitation to receive the Website statistics tracking for free. Just head on over to the Google Analytics site and login with you Google account. It will then take you through the steps that are needed to setup your Website.

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Top 10 Municipal Wi-Fi Plans

"Some of the largest U.S. cities have hatched big plans for providing low-cost wireless broadband to residents. Want to know where you may be getting free Wi-Fi next? Here's a look at 10 of the biggest municipal Wi-Fi plans."

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Check out the new DEL.ICIO.US homepage, now with thumbnails! have now layout homepage with thumbnails!

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CSS Frames

One of the arguments for using frames has always been that they allow you to keep parts of the layout on-screen at all times. This can be emulated with CSS, as described here

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How To Make Firefox Over 40% Faster

If you use Linux on a Laptop, chances are high that you can dramatically improve the responsiveness of all your GUI applications. This tip will work for you if you use a frequency scaling application like powernowd (Ubuntu does this by default).

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Apple Patent: Visual Buttons?

MacNN describes a new Apple patent filing which reveals that Apple has been working on displaying "visual information on the surface of a device, while using the same area or visual out display to act as an input device."

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New airport screener machine shows you naked

Title says it all. Link to video.

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What do futurists really know?

At the futurists� convention, there�s always another tomorrow.

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Create an Email Blacklist in Gmail

If you constantly receive messages you'd like to ignore from the same persons or Gmail's spam filters aren't too good for you, it's time to create a blacklist. How to do that in Gmail?

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Web 2.0 Logo Creator

Want a free Web 2.0 logo for your website? Use this free, simple builder to get yourself a flash logo. Beta tag optional...

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New Record for World's Fastest Transistor Set at 110 GHz

"According to Professor Peter Ashburn who undertook this research in collaboration with STC Microelectronics, the researchers used a standard silicon bipolar technique with fluorine implants to deliver a record fT of 110 GHz which is twice as fast as the current record."

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Create Letterhead Templates in MS Word

"You've designed a new logo, identity, and business papers for a good client. It looks great. They are happy. Then a simple request derails everything: Can I get a copy of my new letterhead to use in Microsoft Word?"

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Digg Assigned to an Ecommerce Class?

Yesterday I received a pretty interesting comment. It was from a girl requesting tips for being successful at She was asking for tips because one of her class assignments was to sign up at and submit articles/comments.

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Google is providing free Internet access to the residents of Mt. View, CA.

Please digg this because not only is it a cool thing that Google is doing, but if I get enough votes, I will get an A in my class. So please help me out!

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DirectX 10 will blow you away (with screenshots)

If you need any convincing that DirectX 10 is worth it or not, then this will blow you away. Throw away OpenGL, trash your DirectX 9 graphics card, it �s time to upgrade to cinematic-quality real-time computer generated graphics!

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College Athletics Are Beginning To Broadcast Over Internet Instead of TV

Ever wanted to see a game, but it wasn't on tv? Now, even smaller, less dominant college athletic teams have the chance to let the world see what they've got. Also, it gives these smaller schools a chance to earn some money to support their sports - they sell advertising and charge a subscription fee. Sounds like a new beginning to me.

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Seth Godin's list of 937 Web 2.0 sites, sorted by traffic rank

"Web 2.0" (for lack of a better term) has the 'net all atwitter. But of the websites included in the category, which of them have real traffic, and which don't? This list, put together by Seth Godin and Alexaholic, is the first of its kind to let you see at a glance the movers and shakers in Web 2.0-land.

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CSS Optimization: Make your site load faster for free

Often overlooked for the more popular image optimization, CSS optimization can help shave off quite a bit from your pageloading times. The article compares four different CSS optimizers, leading to one winner. Even Digg could use its CSS compressed a bit.

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Traineo - weight loss goes 2.0

Traineo is a free and simple website that gives you the motivation and support to reach your weight loss and fitness goals.

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So How do GPS Companies Get Their Maps?

Ever wonder how these GPS devices get their information? Yes, there is actually a dude driving around the US mapping it for you, and we tag along to see how it's done.

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Zune Picture In The Wild!

Gizmodo scored an exclusive pic of the Zune.

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August 15, 2006

Man Ejected From Vehicle During Accident, Has Wallet Stolen By Witness!!

What the hell is wrong with people??

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Bush Caught Lying: Claims Terror Plot Included "New" Explosive Threat...

From the President's Radio Address, August 12, 2006: This plot is further evidence that the terrorists we face are sophisticated, and constantly changing their tactics... We're dealing with a new enemy that uses new means of attack and new methods to communicate.

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Bush's Political Survival Depends on Terror Threats.

Once again in the run-up to a national election, we are visited with alarming news. A monstrous plot, red alert, high drama playing on all channels and extreme measures taken to tighten security. This has worked twice before. It could work again this fall unless gullible Americans snap out of it.

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N.Korea's Kim appears for first time since missile tests.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has made his first public appearance since his country defied international warnings by test-firing seven missiles on July 5, with a visit to a farm that breeds rabbits and goats. The last time North Korean official media mentioned an appearance by Kim was on July 4, leading to speculation as to why.

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The Myth of Health Insurance

It is important to recognize that what we call �health insurance� has little to do with health and nothing to do with insurance. We do not face a �health insurance crisis.� We face the consequences of a set of economic and social problems rooted in a futile effort to make the distribution of health care egalitarian.

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Nuclear War Starting in 9 Days?

Our world is on the brink of another World War, that will begin on August 22nd, 2006. The prediction was presented not by Vagna or Nostradamus - but by an American political scientist Bernard Lewis in the acclaimed publication of Wall Street Journal. He is a man with close ties to the Bush administration and the non-conservatives.

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The Unraveling of String Theory

By now, just about everyone has heard of string theory. Even those who don't really understand it--which is to say, just about everyone--know that it's the hottest thing in theoretical physics.

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Two Fox News journalists kidnapped in Gaza: witness

Palestinian gunmen kidnapped two foreign journalists working for the Fox News television channel in Gaza on Monday, a witness said.

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64% of Americans give Bush regime negative marks for diplomacy

With two wars raging in the Middle East and the status of a third conflict - the on again, off again fight between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon so unstable as to defy a predictable course, and with other global hotspots from North Korea to Venezuela stealing headlines, Americans are pessimistic about how their leaders are conducting

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Judge sentences teen traffic violators to ride the school bus

"A judge fed up with teenage traffic violators is hitting them where it hurts - in the driver's seat - by sentencing them to the embarrassment of riding the school bus."

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One Million Pennies

This clear lucite case about the size of a refrigerator holds one million pennies and is currently stored at the Jewish Community Center as part of a Holocaust memorial project.

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Criminal elements of the U.S. gov't to be staging terrorist attacks soon?

FOX News briefly reports on radio host Alex Jones' recent announcement on the air that he is foreseeing the possibility of criminal elements of the U.S. government staging terrorist attacks on American soil before the end of October, for various political reasons. More information is available in the video's description on YouTube.

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BREAKING - Tanker spills 4,500 tons of Crude Oil in Indian Ocean

"A Japanese tanker spilled around 4,500 tons of crude oil in the Indian Ocean following a collision."

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Liquid Bombing the Constitution.

Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security appears to be the administrations point man pressing for ways to avoid inconvenient things like constitutional rights. Interesting opinion piece on how they are using the liquid bomb threats to divert attention from their unconstitutional tactics.

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Blacklight Tattoos

Tattoo artist Richie, who lives and works in Colorado, has been offering UV blacklight reactive ink to his clients for most of his 4-year career.

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US begins issuing e-passports

THE US has begun issuing "e-passports" carrying data embedded in electronic chips, despite concerns the high-tech documents could be read remotely by hackers.

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Digg Adds Video Thumbnails

Starting today, all newly submitted videos from YouTube and Google will include static thumbnail previews. Support for Yahoo! videos is coming soon.

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Washington sues movie download service for spyware

The state of Washington has sued the owners of the, alleging that the company used spyware to strong-arm users into signing up for its paid movie download service.

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Optimizing your blog for search engines

There are many different ways that you can optimize your blog, but here is what I recommend doing.

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Boot Camp 1.1 beta

"Boot Camp 1.1 beta contains many updates and is intended for all new and previous Boot Camp beta users."

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August 14, 2006

Original Film of Moon Landing Has Been Lost!

The footage of the Apollo 11 crew's landing on the Moon is one of 20th Century's most important artifacts. The tapes are believed to be stored somewhere in the archive at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, MD. But as many of those involved in the archiving of the original tapes moved on, retired or passed away their location has been lost.

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Original Film of Moon Landing Has Been Lost!

The footage of the Apollo 11 crew's landing on the Moon is one of 20th Century's most important artifacts. The tapes are believed to be stored somewhere in the archive at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, MD. But as many of those involved in the archiving of the original tapes moved on, retired or passed away their location has been lost.

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Bush 'helped Israeli attack on Lebanon'

The US government was closely involved in planning the Israeli campaign in Lebanon, even before Hizbullah seized two Israeli soldiers in a cross border raids in July. American and Israeli officials met in the spring, discussing plans on how to tackle Hizbullah, according to a report published yesterday.

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Government releases detailed 9/11 hijacking information

The U.S. government this week released much sought-after information regarding events surrounding the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Included in the release are full transcripts of aircraft-to-ground air traffic recordings from all four flights hijacked on 9/11, as well as flight path studies for three of the flights.(NTSB reports included)

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2 out of 5 Americans believe Muslims should carry special I.D.

Almost four in ten, 39%, advocate that Muslims here should carry special I.D. That same number admit that they do hold some �prejudice� against Muslims. Forty-four percent say their religious views are too �extreme.�

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Michael Moore on Bill O'Reilly's Show

This just in: Hell froze over.

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Panel Suggests Using Inmates in Drug Trials Again

An influential federal panel of medical advisers has recommended that the government loosen regulations that limit the testing of pharmaceuticals on prison inmates, a practice that was all but stopped 3 decades ago after revelations of abuse when prisoners were exposed to radioactive, hallucinogenic and carcinogenic chemicals.

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Chipped Passports Coming Monday

"Despite ongoing privacy concerns and legal disputes involving companies bidding on the project, the U.S. State Department plans to begin issuing smart chip-embedded passports to Americans as planned Monday."

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Interactive Graphic: The toll after a month of war

An interactive map showing the range and magnitude of the areas affected by the first 30 days of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

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Sneaky Bush Increasingly Dodging the Media

The idea that Bush could travel across the country without a full contingent of reporters, especially in the middle of a war, highlights a major cultural shift in the presidency and the news media. In the four decades since the assassination of JFK, presidents traditionally have taken journalists with them wherever they traveled. But not Dubya...

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"Growing up next door in Georgia," writes Kyle Wingfield, "I never thought of Alabama as a beacon of intellect.... It wasn't until I moved to Europe a couple of years ago that I realized the Heart of Dixie was also the heart of sensible economic thinking." The Wall Street Journal discovers the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

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This whole terrorism scare appears to be mostly propaganda

NBC reports that there was no eminent threat from the terrorists in England. "...In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports."

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Gallup Poll: Most Recent Bush Quarter Worst for a President Since 1992.

George W. Bush's most recent quarter, his 22nd in office, was the worst of his presidency and the worst for any president since 1992, based on his 35.8% average approval rating during that quarter. It also ranks in the bottom 20 quarters out of the more than 240 quarters Gallup has measured for all presidents since Harry Truman.

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Beautiful China (Pics)

An absolutely breathtaking collection of beautiful pictures from China.

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Confirmed, CNN & New Yorker: Bush pre-planned Lebanon War

Today on CNN, Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker, the one who mainstreamed the Abu Gahrib story, has confirmed with insiders that Bush and the Israeli Government planned months in advance that any incident, no matter how small, would ignite a broad and punishing response by Israel in a preemptive move to start a war with Iran.

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Bush's Invisible Ink

When George W. Bush signs a bill from Congress into law, he adds a "signing statement" â??more of them than any of his predecessorsâ??that he will not enforce that law if it impedes his inherent constitutional authority as head of "the unitary executive." The signing statement reserves "the right to revise, interpret, or disregard laws."

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If A Cop Tries To Tell You There Are No Quotas for Tickets, They Are Lying!

Cops always claim that there is no such thing as a quota as to how many tickets they write, but anyone who tells you this is a liar. Here is just one of numerous exposes on the net of their shady ways. This investigative report is about the PA State Police, but you can BET they if they do it here, they do it in your neck of the woods as well.

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CEASEFIRE has Officially Gone into Effect Minutes AGO: 1am EST

The Israeli army said in a statement the military was told not to initiate any action after 8 a.m. (1 a.m. EST), but "the forces will do everything to prevent being hit." There were no immediate reports of fighting continuing in southern Lebanon. WILL IT LAST? Let's hope

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Iranian President has a blog!

Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad's blog.

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Tokyo darkened by power failure

Power outages in large areas of Tokyo and surrounding areas darkened offices, halted some rail services and disrupted traffic early on Monday.

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If copyright won�t work, try copyleft

Copyleft is a play on the word copyright and is the practice of using copyright law to remove restrictions on the distribution of copies and modified versions of a work for others. It requires the same freedom to be preserved in modified versions.

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MIT Firefox Toolbar For Searching Libraries

LibX is a Firefox toolbar that allows you to quickly search the Barton catalog, Vera, Google Scholar, the SFX FullText Finder and other search tools

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Famster - A safe way to upload and share your files... for free

I can't believe that this site isn't widely known, even with all its features: share photos, stream videos, create a blog, upload files, keep track of RSS feeds... all in Flash? and for free? Ridiculous.

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Defeating Google's Perpetual Search Logging

Google's policy of storing everyone's search histories forever is causing concern amongst many, especially since Google stores a cookie on everyone's PC expiring in 2038. But at least one user is fighting back. His short and simple guide tells you how to set up any decent web browser so that it routes Google requests through an anonymous proxy

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How (Not) To: MySQL Connection Management in PHP

This article is intended to highlight various basic topics concerning proper methods of handling connections to MySQL databases in PHP, guidelines for caching dynamic content, and a technique called "lazy loading".

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Internet Explorer Loses More Ground to Firefox: Firefox 13.71% July

While Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser has lost further market share this year, there has been a significant slowdown in the acceptance of its largest competitor, the open source Firefox browser, according to a white paper released by Janco Associates on Aug. 11.

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The TRUTH about the RIAA

Some very interesting information on the RIAA and their practices.

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Better Sound Quality Coming To iTunes

Hope yet for the poor sounding iTunes music store downloads

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Coming Soon: YouTube On Your TV?

Time Warner is starting a new free service for its digital cable/Roadrunner subscribers; you will be able to view and publically share uploaded photos and video clips on your TV through TW's Video-On-Demand network without the need for any extra equipment! No proprietary hardware or DRM'd Media Centers needed.

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Don't settle for Google AdSense

ProductWiki has published detailed statistics comparing their AdSense and ad revenue. Findings show that it may be in your best interest to explore other advertising alternatives for your website.

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Great drawing resource and Drawing Lessons - beginner to advanced

Drawspace offers diverse downloadable and printable drawing lessons featuring Brenda Hoddinott's unique and highly acclaimed style of teaching. Drawing lessions from beginners to advanced. Create an account and display on-line

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HOW TO Create Excellent Vector Art

Step by step tutorial to create groovy vector art. I thought I'd share this crash course in creating amazingly hot vector artwork.

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Video--Inside the Mac Pro

Video showing off all the goodness that is inside the new Mac Pro!

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Student releases "iProcrastinate" homework organization app... For free!

The beta (but not that beta) release of iProcrastinate, a free download to college and high school students. Helps lazy students keep track of their homework, big projects, etc. Just in time for the coming school year, and nothing beats free! Give it a try, and see how you like it.

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AMD Quietly Releases Chips

AMD has expanded the range in their X2 line of CPUs. Quietly releasing a X2 5200+ - L2 cache being 1MBx2. As well as producing a cheaper dual core chip, the X2 3600+.

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Thailand Plans to Give 1 Free Laptop Per Child

"Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has announced that an ambitious project to provide low-cost laptop computers to all of Thailand's millions of elementary school students will begin in October."

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Teens say NO to video on small screen devices

According to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg survey, the kids these days, they're not all that enthralled with watching video on their cell phones and other small screen devices.

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Time Magazine's 50 Coolest Websites

Time Magazine has put together a list of 50 coolest websites from six different categories. Many of them are Web 2.0 sites, others aren't. There's no surprise Digg is one of the websites, but many lesser-known sites made the list too.

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Take Back Your Privacy! It's FREE and RELIABLE

FoxyProxy is a cool Firefox extensien promise you to take back your privacy. Can't get to MySpace from school? Can't use instant messenger at work? Tired of the unreliability of open proxies and the slowness of tor? FoxyProxy proxying is fast AND reliable.

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Building the Perfect IT Person

While that model is still being sorted out, Novak, along with other CIOs interviewed by eWEEK, is on the lookout for the holy grail - a designer IT person who can adapt and thrive in changing environments and still remain valuable. To be sure, the ultimate IT worker doesn't exist; he or she is a figment of CIOs' collective imagination.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Getting a Job in Silicon Valley

Guy Kawasaki breaks down 15 things that you need to know if you want to get a job in Silicon Valley.

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HUGE Comic Books Archive - 2861 comics online

Awesome archiece. Download older DC Comics

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Diggnation Exposed, a behind the scenes at Diggnation

Kevin and Alex do a candid podcast interview about diggnation, digg, revison3. Where they came from, where they are headed, and where they want to go.

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Google Video is the Future of Google

In-depth overview of why Google video is the future of Google. The article also goes into detail on some of their recent changes and why.

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Pushing web ads to the limit: Using hard-core porn to sell a t-shirt

Wow. "A French clothier is testing the limits of the maxim that sex sells with online commercials that use hard-core pornography to hawk $100 T-shirts." "One of the things that is kind of intriguing about it is that � on the Web, you don't have to worry about standards boards. You are getting rid of all your lines of censorship"

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Netvibes secures a $15million investment

Netvibes will announce today that it's received 15 million dollars of investment from venture capitalists. Go Netvibes!

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life is absurd