May 11, 2007

Where to invest $5,000 now to become rich or at least a little more wealthy

"Do you want to retire rich? Build wealth? Money Magazine's ideas for five grand can help you reach your goals." I think #1 is great: Best return with no risk: Pay off your highest-interest credit-card debt.

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Top TiVo Hacks

I put together a list of the top 5 TiVo hacks: 30 second commercial skip, expanding hard drive storage, sending video from Mac/PC to TiVo, removing TiVoToGo DRM, and streaming any music file to TiVo. Enjoy!

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May 9, 2007

All modern humans descended from the same small group of people

Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry.

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9 Attitudes of Highly Creative People

"...some attitudes to build into your approach if you want to be a more creative person:"

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How to Tie the 10 Most Useful Knots

Learn how to tie 10 very useful knots you can use in a variety of situations

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The Truth About "Gut" Feelings

You "know" things. You don't even know how you know them. Yet you have a sense of certainty when driving down a strange street that you really must make a left turn. Or comfort a co-worker who insists she's fine. Or quit your job and move to Paris.

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Synthetic Cannabinoid HU210 More Potent than Weed, Helps Brain Cell Growth.

HU-210 (Dexanabinol, Sinnabidiol) is a synthetic cannabinoid that was discovered around 1988 in the group of Dr Raphael Mechoulam at the Hebrew University. HU-210 is 100 to 800 times more potent than natural THC from cannabis and has an extended duration of action. HU-210 is the (+)-1,1-dimethylheptyl analog of 7-hydroxy-delta-6-tetrahydroca.

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7 bizarre things to do AFTER you're dead.

Some of us just can’t let go. Even after we’ve assumed room temperature. If this sounds like you, call up your lawyer and have him sharpen his quill. Put one of these burial rituals into your last request, and keep the conversation interesting at the wake.

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Amazing CSS Dock Menu

If you are a big Mac fan, you will love this CSS dock menu that I designed. It is using Jquery Javascript library and Fisheye component from Interface and some of my icons. It comes with two dock styles - top and bottom. This CSS dock menu is perfert to add on to my iTheme. Here I will show you how to implement it to your web page.

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May 7, 2007

20,000 marchers smoke up for relaxed Marijuana laws

Police watched the peaceful event, whose parade marshal was Marc Emery, the British Columbia resident nicknamed Canada's "Prince of Pot." The annual event in Canada continues to grow because the majority of Canadians believe pot laws should be relaxed.

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A Frown Or A Smile? Children With Autism Can't Discern

When we have a conversation with someone, we not only hear what they say, we see what they say. Eyes can smolder or twinkle. Gazes can be direct or shifty. "Reading" these facial expressions gives context and meaning to the words we hear, but now researchers from UCLA explained that children with autism can't do this.

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Vaporizers Destroy the Last Objection to Medical Marijuana

There is no need to smoke marijuana anymore. A vaporizer creates little or no carbon monoxide, tar or particulates while delivering a higher dose with better taste.

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Top 10 Signs You May Be Charging Too Little

Useful article for freelancers.

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100+ Ubuntu Tutorials and Growing Fast!

We know how much you love Ubuntu - now figure out how to do practically anything with it. As one of our most popular sections, you can expect this number to continue to grow every day.

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Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles - Free Download

Photoshop Layer Styles are the easiest way to speed up the design process. I found a lot of styles on the Web to download but none of them were of the today’s trend of Web 2.0. So here is a set of 131 Photoshop Layer Styles I created in .ASL ( Photoshop Layer Style ) format.

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How to make sexy buttons with CSS

This tutorial will teach you how to create pretty looking textual buttons (with alternate pressed state) using CSS. Dynamic buttons save you heaps of time otherwise spent creating graphics and will basically make you a happier person at the end of the day.

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life is absurd