June 9, 2007

iPhone Details from AT&T's Sales Training Workbook (Scans)

We've gotten copies of the full iPhone Training manual provided to AT&T employees that gives us a few more details about Apple's iPhone. This sales guide presents iPhone features and benefits, tips, comparisons, qualifying questions, and objectio...

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How to Track Digg Submittals By Username With Yahoo Pipes

How to video and instructions on using Yahoo Pipes to sort Digg frontpage stories via the Digg RSS feed by submitter.

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Which movie reviews should you believe? This site will tell you!

check out this quick little utility that will match you with the movie critic who's reviews are closest to your tastes... once you know who you should trust, you can focus on their reviews to get great recommendations for future movies.

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Hilton Ordered Back to Jail

hey hey good by

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I Am Legend Trailer!

Will Smith's new vampire/end-of-the-world action flick is due to be released this December. And it looks pretty sweet.

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How much does a NY cabbie make? How about drug dealers or sex shop owners?

You can’t live in New York—arguably, you can’t spend an hour in New York—and remain oblivious to the machinery of profit pumping away under every surface. This city makes money, loses money, houses money; lately, with luxe condos stacking up like casino chips along the waterfront, the city looks like money.

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Just add water - students invent alcohol powder

Dutch students have developed powdered alcohol which they say can be sold legally to minors. The latest innovation in inebriation, called Booz2Go, is available in 20-gramme packets that cost 1-1.5 euros ($1.35-$2). Top it up with water and you have a bubbly, lime-colored and -flavored drink with just 3 percent alcohol content.

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How the Presidents Stack Up - A Graphical Look at Approval Ratings

this takes you from Truman through Bush. It ws updated in 2006 so... It's rather surprising.

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Deep Hole Found on Mars (with Pic)

A very dark spot on Mars could be an entrance to a deep hole or cavern, according to scientists studying imagery taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The hole might be the sort of place that could support life or serve as a habitat for future astronauts, researchers speculated.

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Astronomers find most massive star ever discovered

This is really cool — astronomers using the Very Large Telescope in Chile and Hubble have discovered the most massive star ever found… and it’s a bruiser, weighing in at 114 times the mass of the Sun. This blows away the previously most massive known star, which had a mere 83 solar masses. Cripes. That’s a whopping huge star!

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An iPhone Insider's Hands-On & New Details

•"It does have email and it is already setup for AOL/GMAIL/HOTMAIL etc.. and you can use your own POP email address." more..

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How Mainstream Is Your Music?

The Mainstream-O-Meter calculates your mainstreamness by comparing the listener count of your favorite bands to the average listener count of the five bands who have the most listeners among Last.fm-users.

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Porn 2.0 is stiff competition for pro pronographers

The adult industry has grown alongside the Internet for so many years, it may come as a surprise that it has suddenly hit a wall... at the whim of the Internet itself. Now, the industry is fighting to maintain growth.

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10 Things to Know When Starting A Facebook Application

By releasing a development platform, Facebook's enabled developers to create some amazing applications riding off their social network. It's not too hard to get an application of your own up and running, but it's nice to have some help, as the documentation's not complete. Here are a few tips to help you get started!

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Interactive paper, this stuff is amazing, and you've gotta see the video.

"The result looks and feels like paper but has electronic, interactive features," says Gulliksson. Changing a display is as simple as removing the two outer paper layers, and adding new ones that also connect to the power supply and electronics." You can even add printed speakers, too cool.

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Everything you ever wanted to know about video codecs.

Puts the nuts and bolts of the most popular video codecs under the microscope; then pits the codecs against eachother.

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20 Tips for More Efficient Google Searches

For millions of people, Google is an indispensable search tool that they use every day, in all facets of their lives. From work or school, research, to looking up movies and celebrities to news and gossip, Google is the go-to search engine. There are a number of ways to make your searches more efficient.

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The Top 10 Blogging Mistakes I Made in My First Year

Lots of people ask about what it takes to write on a successful blog and one of the keys to it is to make your mistakes early on and learn from them fast. eMoms at Home offers 10 mistakes that were made the first year of blogging, the lessons learned and how she overcame them.

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June 6, 2007

Trent Reznor on 'Hurt': 'It's Not My Song Anymore'

Johnny Cash did a stark cover of this song with a striking video. In the video, the 71-year old Cash appears very fragile as he sings this from his home in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Cash wore no makeup, & there was no attempt to make him look younger. Trent Reznor was very impressed by Cash's take on his song & quite moved by the video (The Video)

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The contact lenses that could restore 20/20 vision

You wear lenses while you sleep, then wake up with perfect vision.

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Build your own server

"Have you wanted a full-functionality web-server, media host, bit-torrent client and NAS box, all fully remote-controlled? Want to build it out of spare parts? Well then..." The guys at bit-tech have their Linux guru explain a complete networking solution built from old junk. Contains scripts, step-by-step instructions and lots of pics.

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Apple Interview: Details on the New LED Macbook Pro

Apple's elves gave me more details about the Santa Rosa Macbook Pro. Here's some stuff you don't know about the revision.

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Talking paper made by scientists

Digital paper that can speak to you has been created by scientists. Researchers from Mid Sweden University have constructed an interactive paper billboard that emits recorded sound in response to a user's touch.

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Tips on how to not get busted for file-sharing

Top tips on how to keep your identity safe from prying eyes and keep out unwanted visitors.

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June 5, 2007

A 10 minute tutorial for solving Math problems with Maxima

A practical tutorial for solving common high school and calculus problems with Maxima. It provides plenty of examples to get you started in no time.

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Designing on the Cheap: 100 Freebie CSS Resources

If you're in the market for a professional grade site, you've probably found that quality design work doesn't come cheap. But while hiring outside help can be costly, designing your own site can be almost free if you know where to look for good resources, tutorials and tools.

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June 4, 2007

How Fast Can You Type?

Fingerjig is a fun little typing game that tests your accuracy and speed for randomly selected words (each level tests a different typing skill).

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TV over Internet is already here and its free - watch it now

This site has over 320 TV channels you can watch for free in your browser. You can watch sports, movies, news, comedy, business, cartoons, adult TV and more. Most popular channels are ESPN, E-Music, ABC News, BBC, FOX, Bloomberg, Galaxy Cartoons, Comedy TV, PETN Music and of course adult channels. Site has recently been upgraded.

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Awesome New Transformers Clip from MTV!

I don’t have much to say about this clip… There are no words to describe the excitement.

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2007 MTV Movie Awards - Sarah Silverman Takes No Prisoners

Sarah Silverman calls Paris Hilton out BIG TIME during a live airing of the MTV Movie Awards. Of course, there were awards, too.

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Oprah Says Michael Moore’s Sicko is the One Movie You MUST SEE This Summer

We just received word that Michael Moore will appear on Oprah on Tuesday June 5th where he will present scenes from his new film, Sicko. And get this — the theme of Oprah’s show is “The one film you must see this this summer”. Apparently, Oprah loved Michael’s film and wants to make health care for all one of her main missions this year.

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More people died last year from eating Spinach than smoking Marijuana

Marijuana laws are a mishmash among the 50 states. It isn't entirely legal anywhere, but 12 states have at least partly decriminalized it, to the point that in Alaska there is no penalty for possessing an ounce or less at home.

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AMAZING Business card Design

"Check out this lovely design for a business card that sprouts a miniature garden when you dip it in water. The result was a business card that worked like a miniature house-plant, growing alfalfa or cress when dipped in water."

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Guy Kawasaki: How to build a Web 2.0 site for under $15K

Guy Kawasaki shares the details and numbers of how he created Truemors.

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The Hottest Female Chess Players - Pictures

"From the large collection of Pufichek Chesspics albums of players of the Torino Chess Olympiad 2006, we have selected a few for our Photogenic Collection. The photos were posted for voting from May 24 to June 24, 2006, generating enormous interest from all sides of the globe, with over 10,000 people actively taking part in the voting. "

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A Striking and Elegant Photo Gallery of the Great Audrey Hepburn

I really didn't know that much about this amazing actress, but these are some stunning black and white photos of this long lost film darling. I haven't seen her in many films, but wow. These are some great shots.

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How to: Do A Background Check On Yourself

Companies can order all sorts of reports on you and make judgments about you, from banks, to landlords to employers. Here's how you can see the data they're seeing and make sure the record is right.

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Putin Threatens to Target Europe with Missiles

In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to target Europe with missiles, including potentially nuclear weapons, in a dramatic escalation of his Cold War-style showdown with the United States.

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70% of Women Fake Orgasms - 7 Tips to Make Sure She Won't With You

Sit down. I've got some bad news for you. She fakes it. Maybe not all the time. Maybe it's only happened once or twice. But it's happened. What can you do to make sure you're not just a supporting player in one of her show-stopping performances?

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12 Gene Tests That Could Change Your Life

"Soon all of us will be able to find out what ticking time bombs lie hidden inside our DNA. Do we want to know?"

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Penis Myths Debunked

When it comes to penises, length matters more to men than to women, according to a new study that reviews more than 60 years of research and debunks numerous sex myths.

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50 Ways to Be Romantic on the Cheap

Look for little, inexpensive ways to be romantic, and it will pay off for your relationship in innumerable ways....

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How to make Thermite

Mix well, and witness 4000 degrees of steel-melting fury

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Let's Build a Grid - Webdesign

So much web design work relies on establishing a grid and the constraints on that grid: ad sizes, display size, browser display area minus chrome, and so forth. Grids are, quite literally, everywhere. But learning how to effectively utilize grids-- without becoming a slave to them-- can make the difference between a competent layout and a great lay

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Superfans and Noobs: Matt Haughey on How Ads Really Work

"The obvious way to make the most money possible is to plaster your sites in as many ads as your visitors can stand. But if you look at your traffic, chances are you'll lose little by *turning ads off completely* for your biggest fans."

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Maxim, Pepsi/iTunes Super Bowl Girl is Mac Chick of the Month (June 2007)

Named “The Asian Audrey Hepburn; who could kick your ass” by the brilliant and famed comic book headliner, Brian Michael Bendis (Ultimate Spider-Man, Avengers, DareDevil), Mandy’s popularity skyrocketed when she was featured in the 2005 Super Bowl Pepsi/i-Tunes ad. Within hours, she became known as “the face that launched

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iPhone release date confirmed: yours on June 29th

Looks like our source was right: the iPhone is yours come June 29th. The commercial just aired on 60 Minutes, and now you can finally mark your calendar...

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life is absurd