April 7, 2005
Xbox360 to be Unveiled on Monday, May 16
According to Chris Morris at CNN's Game Over, Microsoft will unveil the black and silver Xbox360 two days ahead of the official beginning of E3, Monday, May 16. Chris says a hard drive is still a possibility and that they are working hard on backwards compatibility which has been difficult due to a change in hardware vendors for the Xbox360.
Knowing that Microsoft recently acquired Silicon Graphics patents, I believe they will be designing their own CPU this time around. I have heard that Microsoft is working on a CPU that decodes and executes instructions in Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) while simultaneously being able to run x86 code. This would solve part of the backwards compatibility problem. Anyways, more to think about... but not for long. May 16.
Inkjets may someday repair fractured bones
Scientists at the University of Manchester in England are trying to develop a technique through which inkjet nozzles will spray live human cells onto a patient.
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Microsoft Gathering Japanese Giants
Microsoft Gathering Japanese Giants
Ok, I just read an article at Gamespot that has got me thinking. I'm already very excited about the next generation consoles and games and info like this is just what I need to keep the excitement level up. Gamespot reports that in a recent interview on the official Xbox website in Japan, Game Republic's Yoshiki Okamoto is saying that several 'big-name' game developers are getting behind the next gen Xbox and that the lineup of launch games for the console may shock the game industry.
So... Microsoft has recruited Hironobu Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Space Channel 5) and Yoshiki Okamoto. All great, ok, giant Japanese gaming developers. In the interview, Okamoto said, "If the current lineup [of games] in development for the next-generation Xbox was revealed,it would not only surprise users, but the entire industry. There probably wouldn't be anyone [in Japan] that would still be uninterested in buying the next-generation Xbox when they see the lineup." He is currently making a number of games for the next gen Xbox that are already in playable format.
Hmmm... the more I thought about it, the more sense it makes. Let's face it, Xbox console sales in Japan have been and still are dismal. So, Microsoft is recruiting the giants of Japanese gaming to the next gen Xbox seemingly in hopes that this will help them establish an audience with Japanese gamers. Makes sense doesn't it?
So what about the U.S.?
In an interview with Shane Kim on the official U.S. Xbox website, Mr. Kim reveals that, "we’ve also built some great franchises that customers love and look forward to playing for many generations of Xbox, like Halo, Fable, Project Gotham Racing, and the upcoming Jade Empire and Forza Motorsport." Many generations huh? It looks like they have their bases covered here too... if these franchises continue to blossom anyways. And if that fails, Mr. Allard has his micro-transitions.
Read more | Gamespot
Sony Invention Beams Sights, Sounds Into Brain
LONDON (Reuters) - If you think video games are engrossing now, just wait: PlayStation maker Sony Corp has been granted a patent for beaming sensory information directly into the brain.
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Use Your PSP To Save XBOX Games
Well, not being content with leaving well enough alone, the guys at CQ have figured out a way to use your PSP to carry XBOX game saves. Thats right XBOX. **Keep in mind this will ERASE ALL YOUR PSP SAVES. Back them up first.
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Homemade Mech Robot Walks in Japan
One Sakakibara Kikai has pictures and even a movie of their Land Walker robot which appears to work. Powered by a 250cc gas engine and armed with several guns (including 2 that fire Nerf-like balls) it stands at a little over 3 meters. What makes this one interesting is that it is actually armed and it is piloted instead of being an exo-skeleton.
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April 6, 2005
Thermolelectric Generation = PC's Without Fans
This is one of those stories that may seem a bit dense and technical at first, but should make you say "woah" (in your best Keanu Reeves voice) when the implications hit. It mean refrigeration without pumps and high-end microchips able to operate at full speed without fans.
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NASA starts using Bittorrent
World Wind, a software that lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth is being offered for download using Bittorrent technology. This is possibly the first time the US Government is using the technology.
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Really Smart Drugs
Pop a pill and get smart. Such is the promise of ampakines. A class of drugs that started out ten years ago as potential treatments for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. As it turns out, ampakines increase memory, attention and mental acuity... so far only in monkees but.
Darpa has invested $5 million+ in hopes that ampakines may replace stimulants currently used by pilots and soldiers. Military trials are on-going. Meanwhile, big pharmacy companies are testing to see if ampakines can treat mild cognitive impairment.
Ampakines work like power boosters for brain signals, enhancing and prolonging synaptic currents by modifying the chemistry of cell receptors. In effect, making you smarter for longer.
Court rules against car rental company using GPS
The Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled that an "excessive wear and tear" penalty charged by a car rental company is illegal. A number of people who had rented cars from Acme Auto were charged US$150 for the excessive wear and tear that their rental cars suffered while the renters drove them over the speed limit.
Acme's setup was clever. They equipped their vehicles with GPS systems and then set them up to notify the company each time one of the vehicles was driven at least 80mph for more than two minutes at a time. Each time, the company charged the customer's credit card. Buried deep in the fine print of most of the rental contracts was a clause stating that "vehicles driven in excess of the posted speed limit will be charged $150 per occurrence" because of the supposed damage it caused the car. However, there was no mention of GPS or other means by which vehicle speed would be monitored.
Read More | ARS Technica
April 5, 2005
US Army deploys first Fuel Cell truck
General Motors and the U.S. Army yesterday announced they are partnering to introduce the world's first fuel cell-powered truck into U.S. military service. The U.S. Army took delivery of the crew cab pickup at the GM research facility outside of Rochester, NY, where the vehicle's two fuel cell power modules were made.
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Tutorials, Wallpaer, Icons....Everything for your Visual Needs!!
An awsome resource for graphics tutorials, some awsome wallpaper, MacOS and XP icons, and skins. A one stop shop for graphics!!! All FREE!
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Gmail tries out antiphising tools
Google's popular free Web-based e-mail service is testing phishing protection designed to alert members to potential e-mail fraud attacks.
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April 4, 2005
C|Net's Top Ten Must Haves Gadgets
Which gadgets are CNET editors raving about? They rounded up the latest and greatest gear for work and play, then narrowed down the list to the top 10 devices you shouldn't go without.
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Designing Web Sites for Mobile Browsers
Here's a great article by IBM on how to design web sites especially for mobile web browsers. I found this on digg.com
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Image After ( Free images and textures )
In the imageafter.com 'image' directory you can expect free high resolution images of objects, places, animals, mechanics, insects, signs, circuits and plants etc. All stock photos can be freely downloaded and used in your commercial or personal works. There are currently 9865 textures and images available.
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Behind the scenes of the broken and systm
Thebroken and systm are two tech shows that are looking to put the tech back in TV. Kevin Rose of G4 and Dan Huard formerly of G4TechTv are both members. Here is a link to a running diary of the production progress as they work to release new episodes of thebroken, as well as debuting the new show, systm.
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300 Private Islands Shaped like the World - Dubai

The Nintendo Revolution

Once the sole giant of the home video game industry, Nintendo is now making moves to stay in the game. With Xbox 2 and Playstation 3 due out within the next year and a half, Nintendo is betting on a revolutionary new aproach instead of trying to muscle the next gen consoles with power. The Next Gen Nintendo console is internally code named N5, rumored to be have been Gamecube 2 and Nintendo 21 with the majority of us believing it will be called The Nintendo Revolution. On a new note, it has been reported that the Revolution may not be a successor to the GameCube as Nintendo has claimed that support and software for the GameCube will still be available after the Revolution launch. Could this be Nintendos strategy to combat the PS3
having the established GameCube and the new Revolution simultaneously available? Nintendos R&D department has increased spending approx. 39% ($209 million) over last year.
Heres a list of current rumored info about the Revolution:
- Internal hard drive - The Revolution will have a two-sided, 8mm disk with a 5.4 GB capacity.
- Powered by two IBM central processors - code named Broadway
- ATI Graphics card code named Hollywood
- HD-DVD format discs rather than Sonys Blu-Ray format.
- Online Gaming support
- No DS connectivity but will link up with Nintendos next handheld
- Some game studios already have pre-dev kits
- Apparently work has already begun on three of the launch titles - A Mario title , Zelda and Super Smash Bros.
- Will use IEEE protocol to act as a wireless hub in the home. This will allow interaction with other Revolutions in the area.
- Play games on your TV or computer monitor.
Sounds impressive, but Microsoft and Sony will surpass the hardwares power. Well, Nintendo claims they are redesigning the way people play games. Remember this statement in earlier rumors, Touching is good, but feeling is better.? The word is that the Revolution controllers wont feature our trusty D-pad and buttons. Motion and tilt-sensing gyroscopes will be used in the controllers. Additionally these controllers will feature pressure sensitive buttons that will respond to rubbing and other stimuli. Other rumors are the possibility of a touchpad like the DS or an evolved trackball controller. The new controllers will not be wireless but the Revolution will have four controller ports just like the GameCube. Nintendo also has a patent on a technology dealing with fixation points. Nintendos new technology will create a frame and a virtual frame. The idea is basically that designated objects that have priority in the game space will always be featured prominently despite the line of site. This happens when the object moves into the virtual frame. The image will be deformed to always include designated objects and provide greater detail and depth of field without having to zoom, or alter camera angles abruptly. Though this is all speculation, it would seem this new feature would be relatively transparent to the user. It would simply facilitate a clearer, and overall more enjoyable, visual experience for gamers. We shall soon see. Toyoda Ken, Nintendo of Japan PR Office Manager, told the Japanese publication ITmedia, We are still looking at E3 as a launching pad for the Revolution platform, and are deliberating if we should feature the actual console, visuals, or simply illustrate the concept behind it.

April 3, 2005
Gmail storage calculations
Various calculations about how much space Gmail will give its users over time.
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MGM Concedes Format-shifting is Legal
In the MGM v Grokster Supreme Court case, MGM answered the one of the Justices' questions by saying that format-shifting (ripping CDs) or space-shifting (i.e. convert from CDA to MP3) outside the scope of 17 USC 1008 is a lawful activity. If that's legal, than how is ripping a DVD illegal?
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CustomizeGoogle enhance Google search results by adding links to other useful services. It can also remove ads.
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