May 31, 2007

John Stewart extends invitation to Bush, Cheney, Gonzales

Two weeks ago the daily show’s Jon Stewart interviewed “Meet the Press” host Tim Matthews and extended a serious invitation to President Bush, Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales to make an appearance on the show. Due to Ron Paul mania, Internet nerds used the show’s theme to focus on finding a way to get Ron Paul on Meet the Press and the Daily Show!

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PHOTOS: The $592 Million U.S. Embassy In Iraq

The architectural firm designing the 104-acre U.S. embassy compound in Iraq has released design photos, including of the tennis courts and pool house.

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Learn How to Swear in Any Language

Whether it's 'culo', 'bun chut', or just plain 'schmuck', you'll know how to verbally abuse anyone in the world with this helpful guide to the art of international cursery. (Ignore the stupid LSFW ads).

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Bush hires Halliburton/KBR to build detention camps in USA

Bush has inked a deal with Halliburton/KBR to build "detention camps" in the United States. Last year in 2006 KBR was award $3685 million to build detention camps in the United States that could be used to house American citizens during emergencies. Bush has also put out a directive that gives him dictatorial powers in an emergency.

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Brain Machine 'Legally' Induces Mind Trip

In an admittedly bizarre how-to guide, the folks over at MAKE have detailed Mitch Altman's Brain Machine, which reportedly enables you to slip into deep thought, sleep, or peaceful nirvana by syncing up your brain waves with pulsing lights and sounds.

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5 Reasons You Shouldn't Panic When She Brings A "Toy" Into the Bedroom

And 5 Toys You Might Want to Suggest...

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(VIDEO) Bill Gates Shows Off Microsoft's Touch Surface

Billy Gates was on the Today Show this morning showing off his fancy new table. Want to see it in action rather than just in photos? Check the video for all sorts of goodness of it being used for all sorts of applications, such as playing with photos, wirelessly pulling photos off a camera, and ordering and paying for food using credit cards.

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Don't Torrent That iTunes Plus Song...

Sure, you can now download music from the iTunes store without DRM but that doesn't mean you should just willy nilly start sharing that music with your friends. For one thing, it's illegal. For another, your account information is embedded into that m4a music file. Don't believe me? Try this yourself.

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Palm Foleo Unveiled

Jeff Hawkins just dropped Foleo photos on us. It looks like it's subnotebook sized, but its a smartphone companion, designed to make it a full computing experience.

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iTunes library updated to DRM-free iTunes Plus tracks: Hands-on

It's been a long time coming. So how could we resist giving the new higher quality, DRM free iTunes Plus music service a whirl? After all, we're geeks, and loaded with all kinds of audio devices (not just iPods or Macs and PCs running iTunes) which we'd like to make use of with our purchased media. Certainly you've heard of the Zune, Xbox 360, PS3,

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BBC Motion Gallery - BBC's Legendary Footage Collection

"We offer easy access to the BBC's legendary footage collection, as well as some of the most-respected footage archives in the world. From the freshest HD content to feature-quality productions to historic film rarities, it's all here. Dive in. "

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Digg Flash API Contest: And the winner is...

The Diggs are in and you've chosen the winners of the Flash API Contest! Chris Alvares, Ryan Robinson, and Hart Woolery came out on top. Check out Digg Labs to view the apps that they created. We'll be featuring them in Labs for a little while so more of you will have an opportunity to check out their creations.

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Here's a Direct Video Link of Steve Jobs at All Things Digital 2007

Forget the play-by-play over at Engadget (which I greatly appreciated), here's the actual video from the conference.

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May 30, 2007

Engadget Statistics - an Analysis by Yuvi

Yuvi complete a very in-depth analysis of Engadget. The data is interesting. Got a tech blog? This data will help you focus on what people are interested in. Great job here!

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BREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT: The new Microsoft Surface

The launch of Microsoft Surface marks the beginning of a new technology category and a user-interface revolution. Surface, Microsoft’s first surface computer, provides effortless interaction with digital content through natural hand gestures, touch and physical objects. Surface computing breaks down traditional barriers between people and technolog

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May 29, 2007

LOST's Producer Breaks "Radio Silence" to Reveal Why Charlie Died and More

[via TVSquad] Damon Lindelof played a Q/A with E! Online. I'm not sure that what he reveals in the interview can be counted as spoilers, since he's the co-creator and exec producer of the show and I would think he'd avoid spoiling anything about next season, soif you're paranoid, dont follow the link. Unless you REALLY want to know about next year!

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Lindsay Lohan cited for drunk driving

Lohan was involved in a single-car traffic accident at about 5:30 am, and was cited (ordered to appear in court) after being admitted to a nearby hospital for treatment of minor injuries. Yeah like anyone cares, but I thought it might be amusing on a slow news day.

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Top 100 Scariest Movie Scenes of All Time

It's easy to talk about scary movies, but we wanted to highlight the individual scary scenes that really stick out. Some films aren't scary by design, but happen to have creepy and shocking moments that deserve special recognition. So enjoy this list and have fun discovering a bunch of new movies to see!

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Here Are The GOP Emails That Went To Wrong Address - With Attachments!

Inept GOP'ers sent lots of emails to instead of The .org site is anti-Bush and has published the emails complete with attachments such as the rapidly becoming infamous "caging lists" spreadsheets.

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Applying for a Job at IKEA [Comic PIC]

Hilarious !!!

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Americans believe in religion -- but know little about it

For example - over 10% think that Noah's wife was Joan of Arc.

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Rare Footage of Flight 93 [Seen on TV Only Once]

Rare Footage of Flight 93 [Seen on TV Only Once]

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When Can I Retire And Live Off My Investments?

Right now, I’m twenty years old. I am willing to take a large percentage off the top of my salary for the rest of my working life in order to be able to retire very young and live off of the proceeds of my investments and do volunteer work. How many years would I have to work if I saved 20% of my income?

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Unbelievable magazine ads from back in the day

"Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere." Pretty much says it all.

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Severe reverse culture shock : "What the **** are you looking at?"

Coming back from Japan after a year comes with its fair share of moments like these....

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Guess what happened on your birthday?

Get a snapshot of everything happening on the day you were born, from others birthdays to the current Rolling Stone cover to the price of eggs.

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PICTURE: Germany 1938 Ballot

Voting ballot from 10 April 1938. The ballot text reads "Do you agree with the reunification of Austria with the German Empire that was enacted on 13 March 1938, and do you vote for the party of our leader Adolf Hitler?," the large circle is labelled "Yes," the smaller "No."

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100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know

BOSTON, MA — The editors of the American Heritage® dictionaries have compiled a list of 100 words they recommend every high school graduate should know.

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Gas prices expected to climb as oil prices drop below $65 a barrel. What?

Strikes in Nigeria, storms, memorial day weekend driving, and your gas prices...

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The Slurpr WiFi aggregator: up to 324Mbps broadband for "free"

Oh my, the 5-0 won't like this one bit. Meet The Slurpr, a WiFi access point which aggregates up to six "available" (read: unprotected) 54Mbps WiFi channels into one bigazz, "free" connection. It's the latest invention by Dutch hacker, Mark Hoekstra and his new sidekick (of is it the other way around?), Boris.

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life is absurd