March 24, 2007

22 TV Opening-Credit Sequences That Fit Their Shows Perfectly...

... from "The Sopranos" to "Get Smart" and more... videos included!

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You'll Never Guess What's In McDonald's Chicken McNuggets!

Think you know what's in a McDonald's Chicken McNugget? Oh sure, there is a little bit of chicken (though it's mostly corn). But the real shocker is what else is in a McNugget. You'll never guess in a million years ....

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REAL ID: Rise of the Resistance

Federal standards for identification are not authorized by the Constitution. It doesn’t matter whether they’re enforced through “laws” or economic “incentives” to the States. The politicians, by trying to force this on us without amending the Constitution to allow it, are showing utter contempt for states’ rights and the principles of the Tenth Ame

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Voters Appalled Over Forced Amendment to Marijuana Law Passed by the People

Missoula, MT has fallen victim to the illusion of democracy. Initiative 2, passed on November 7th, 2006 was passed to recommend a lower priority to marijuana-based crimes.. Now, on March 22nd, 2007, the County Commissioners have voted (2-1) to alter the initiative. The reason? "A gut feeling" that voters weren't aware of what they voted for.

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Why we have bad habits, and why we can't stop

It might seem a total wonder that a smoker won't quit after hearing that puffing away is a leading cause of death, or that an obese person can't shed a few pounds after learning that lethal ailments loom for the overweight.

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Rock Your Google Calendar in 18 Ways

Google Calendar is a pretty cool web app, especially if you learn the ins and outs and use it collaboratively with colleagues, friends, or family. We have a list of 18-tips and tricks that make Gcal really sizzle and boost your productivity.

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30 Stunning Websites Every Designer Should See

Today we have a bit of friday-inspiration for you, we have selected 30 great standards compliant web designs - Enjoy the Eye Candy !

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March 22, 2007

‘A Swarm of Angels’ crowdsourcing film production

Can open source methodology be applied to film production? Yes, says UK filmmaker and author, Matt Hanson, whose own project, 'A Swarm of Angels', is attempting to "crowdsource" the funding, production, and distribution of a $1.9+ million dollar movie.

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It's Been an 'All Out War' on Pot Smokers for 35 Years

Since 1972, U.S. taxpayers have spent well over $20 billion enforcing criminal marijuana laws and 16.5 million people have been arrested. It's time to put an end to this waste.

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Real amazing digital smoke

This time everything was done in photoshop and it's easier than you can imagine.......

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Is the UK Becoming a Surveillance Society?

Last year, the U.K.'s Information Commissioner warned that the UK was running the risk of "sleep-walking into a surveillance society." Today, Jack Straw announced that the Commons' Home Affairs committee would be launching an inquiry into the growing use of surveillance. But is it already too late?

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Spike TV's Sexiest Babe Found in CS Lab

I walked in to the undergrad CS department lab here at Pitt and found one of Spike TV's Sexiest Bracket Babes sitting working on a CS programming assignment! Voting for her is a vote for sexy geeks everywhere!

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Jenna Fischer Nude on April Cover of Wired

Jenna Fischer, or Pam Beesly, from The Office, bares all on the April cover of Wired.

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George Orwell’s 5 Rules for Effective Writing

In our society, the study of language and literature is the domain of poets, novelists, and literary critics. Language is considered a decorative art, fit for entertainment and culture, but practically useless in comparison to the concrete sciences. Just look at the value of a college degree in English versus one in computer science or accounting.

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16 things it takes most of us 50 years to learn

3. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

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Hobo DIY Softbox for Perfect Portraits

"Basically (though you should already know this) a camera is only as good as the light that comes into it, cameras capture light and make a mess when they try to amplify the dark."

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March 21, 2007

CONFIRMED: ALL BLACK XBOX 360 Elite with bigger drive and HDMI

Features 120GB Drive and HDMI and in limited quantities, white version with upgraded innards to be released late summer/early fall. More details inside.

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Banned Billboards for "Captivity" Can't Hide How Hot Elisha Cuthbert Is

Check out the banned billboard and shocking movie posters for the upcoming movie "Captivity," plus incredibly hot pictures of star Elisha Cuthbert

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10 Most Unforgettable Trees Ever in The World


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Bush Administration Edited Scientific Reports To Downplay Global Warming

The Bush administration appointed oil industry lobbyists to edit government scientific reports to downplay Global Warming.

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66 Ways to Build Links in 2007

If “Content is King“, then links are what put that king on the throne. Build links and you’ll be able to display your content to the world. Don’t build links, and your King won’t have a kingdom.

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Amazing $200 inkjet - prints one page per SECOND on sale next year (VIDEO)

Secretive inventor with more patents that Edison. Spent 13 years developing the technology. Today released videos that have stunned the printer industry. Analysts have confirmed prototypes are real. Ultra-high speed $150 photo printer technology available 2007. Also promises color printers built into mobile phones, digicams, and handheld games...

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Gmail Craze: 30 + Tools and Hacks for Gmail

All for Gmail: handy Firefox extensions, best Greasemonkey scripts, some desktop tools and lots of useful tips. Take this Gmail thingie to another level. Enjoy

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First Video: Setting Up Apple TV

A video that demonstrates the setup processes of the Apple TV. Via: Gizmodo

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The 9 Step Guide To Budgeting For Noobs

Are you a budget noob? Constantly overdrafting? Never have enough money to buy what you really want? Wish you could get your shit together?

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Blackwater Corporation : Bush’s Shadow Army

Unbeknownst to many Americans and largely off the Congressional radar, Blackwater has secured a position of remarkable power and protection within the US war apparatus. This company’s success represents the realization of the life’s work of the conservative officials who formed the core of the Bush Administration’s war team, for whom radical privat

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BREAKING: The Patriot Act has gotten Weaker!

Today the senate voted 94-2 to cancel a Justice Department-authored provision in the Patriot Act that had allowed the attorney general to appoint U.S. attorneys without Senate confirmation. One less provision for the Bush Administration to abuse!

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Grand Canyon Skywalk to open today

Rising 4,000ft (1,220m) from the canyon's floor and 70ft (20m) beyond its rim, the Skywalk is being described as an engineering first.

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Using Digg to Pass the Read The Bills Act (RTBA) in 3 Easy Steps.

No group is better positioned to place the right kind of pressure on our representatives than Diggers. It's our destiny to start making a difference in the way things are run, and I propose we get the ball rolling.

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Funny things people actually said in court, word for word. Hilarious!

Q: What is your date of birth? A: July fifteen. Q: What year? A: Every year.

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New Family of Stars Found in Milky Way

New telescope images reveal a previously unknown rich cluster of stars in the inner parts of the Milky Way galaxy.

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How to cure a sore throat almost instantly

An almost sure-fire way to get over a sore throat. Seems to actually work and lots of people have great things to say about it. This site is just one recent example and includes a recipe, but the site it links to has many more positive reviews.

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Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind

Much of what we don't understand about being human is simply in our heads. The brain is a befuddling organ, as are the very questions of life and death, consciousness, sleep, and much more. Here's a heads-up on what's known and what's not understood about your noggin.

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CeBIT 2007: Girls

Over 80 pictures of pretty CeBIT booth babes. 2800x2500 high-res images available.

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A TechTV Reunion on the new "Call For Help" , dubbed "The Lab"?

Its a short article, but an interesting news tidbit. "G4TechTV Canada's "The Lab with Leo Laporte" is looking to launch this April... On a recent episode of TWiT, Laporte mentioned they were trying to do a TechTV reunion on the first episode. Cat Schwartz, Chris Pirillo, Kevin Rose, and Patrick Norton are mentioned to possibly attend."

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March 20, 2007

Make Your Own Weed Killer With Cheap Gin

This little tip sounds like the perfect solution for an alcoholic gardener who just went on the wagon: Make your own weed killer with leftover gin. Does it work? Hell, we have no idea. We live in Brooklyn where yards are outlawed.

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CSS creme of the month

Browse what's hot in the CSS world

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March 19, 2007

The poverty/terror myth

A comprehensive study of 1,776 terrorist incidents (240 international, the rest domestic) by Harvard professor Albert Abadie, who was sympathetic to the poverty-terrorism idea at first, found no such thing. "When you look at the data," he told the Harvard Gazette, "it's not there."What he did find was more intriguing.

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Cannabis extract shrinks brain tumours

Cannabis extracts may shrink brain tumours and other cancers by blocking the growth of the blood vessels which feed them.

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free university lectures - computer science, mathematics, physics

information wants to be free.

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Family takes a picture of themselves every year for 30 YEARS!!

Every year on July 17th, this family takes a picture of themselves. They started in 1976. You can see each one of their 3 boys transform into adults.

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Family Tree of The Greek Gods

A family tree of the greek gods from Tartarus, Gaia, and Erebos all the way down to Hermaphroditius and Pan

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Calculate Your Optimal BitTorrent Settings

Configuring your BitTorrent client is extremely important if you want to get the best out of BitTorrent. However, the settings pane of the average BitTorrent client might be a bit overwhelming, and some people just don’t know where to start. For novices, this BitTorrent settings calculator might come in handy.

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42 Design blogs and sites designers and webmasters need to know

A list of designing blogs and sites that all you designers and webmasters need to read. WOW!

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Control.Tabs - A flexible, accessible HTML / CSS tab system.

Control.Tabs is a javascript library for creating accessible, flexible & unobtrusive tabbed interfaces in your applications or pages. It uses anchors and element ids to function, so browsers that do not support javascript will still be able to navigate through your tabs.

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Tutorial: AJAX Made Easy

A very simple tutorial explaining how to add AJAX functionality to your website with 3 easy steps. Helpful no matter what your technical expertise may be... from beginner to advanced. Take existing features on your site and modernize with this framework. Definitely time invested in this quality article.

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How Police Interrogation Works

Getting someone to confess to a crime is not a simple task, and the fact that detectives sometimes end up with confessions from the innocent testifies to their expertise in psychological manipulation. No two interrogations are alike, but most exploit certain weaknesses in human nature.

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life is absurd