Today, Tom's Hardware Guide turns ten years old. Over the years, the site has gone from being a simple hobbyist site for hardware enthusiasts to a media business that reaches out across the globe, appearing in 11 languages, on three continents, and reaching an audience of over 10 million unique visitors a month.
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September 27, 2006
FCC Clears Tyrannic AT&T-BellSouth Merger
"The AT&T-BellSouth merger will create the world's single largest telecommunications company and cost $67 billion to complete." The FCC has just undone years of progress. The FCC, promoting competition and "consumer choice" as always: no choice at all!
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Getting Your Pirated Films to Your Living Room
There's a push from vendors like Netgear & D-Link to provide devices that can stream downloaded content from the PC to the living room. Apple promises their iTV service will do the same by 2007, and Microsoft offers their solution now with their Xbox 360 Media Extender; and there's a slew of home-brew options emerging as well.
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September 26, 2006
Jon Stewart's Take on the Bill Clinton Foxnews Interview
Jon Stewart on Monday's Daily Show reviews the Chris Wallace interview of Bill Clinton and makes fun of how the media spins the event in an attempt to make Clinton appear to have "lost it". Obviously, Clinton put Wallace in his place.
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Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day
Be it eggs or a hearty bowl of oatmeal, morning fare has long been branded the most important meal. Now scientists are saying it is not so important.
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Beer School: 5 Starter Beers
"These aren
�t necessarily our favorite beers, but are suggestions for the budding beer aficionado to start working the palate without being so off-kilter that they�ll be impossible to enjoy. They are also, to our best ability, available nationwide, despite the fact that many of our favorite beers are available only regionally."
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Hey Diggers - Are You Going to be Drafted? And your Mother too? Read on.
Text of HR 4752: To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the US including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes. How do you like that? Call the perpetrator @ 202-225-4365
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How To Get People To Trust You
There are a couple tricks to help you gain trust in a hurry--even if you don't deserve it.
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How Microsoft makes their Icons.
A tutorial on how Microsoft makes their Windows XP icons. Even a utility they use for icon generation that nobody has heard of. GIF Movie Gear. Very useful.
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Google Calendar Launches New Features
Updates include weather forecasts, moon phases, and support for 17 new languages.
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Top 10 ways to earn with Google Adsense without a site
Nowadays you don't even need even need to have a site to make money with AdSense. Lots of services attract users by letting them to run their own Ads. Here is a perfect list of such projects.
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How to: Shave costs on your Phone, TV & Internet
You like chatting online and you spend too much time on YouTube. You're addicted to your cellphone. And what's a Sunday night without HBO? But even if you're tied to your Internet, phone and TV services, you can still find ways to pay less for them.
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Facebook Just Launched Open Registrations
"We mentioned a couple of weeks ago that this was coming
�moments ago Facebook removed the restrictions on registration and anyone can now join a geographic network."
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Video: Revision 3 changing the way people watch TV, One Person at a Time.
a Local News station interviewed Revision 3, I only had a quick second to grab my Sony cybershot and start recording..but the audio and video is acceptable.
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Video: Revision 3 changing the way people watch TV, One Person at a Time.
a Local News station interviewed Revision 3, I only had a quick second to grab my Sony cybershot and start recording..but the audio and video is acceptable.
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Intel wants to bring interactive ads to your TV
Intel has partnered with the Orwellian-sounding Omnicom Media Group to bring you, the beloved consumer, yet more ads�and this time, they're interactive!
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Digg Founders Launch Online Network Designed to Kill Your TV...Sort Of
"We're actually not trying to cause any harm to anyone," say Adelson, CEO of and Revision3, which makes its official debut Tuesday. "But we are implying that there is something new going on with Revision3." "This is the first media company, the first Internet TV network that actually produces its own content and distributes it itself,"
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New rings automatically exchange data with anyone who gives you a handshake
Each of the rings stores the wearer's personal information, so when a handshake puts two rings close together they exchange the stored info, making small talk and introductions unnecessary.
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The 7 deadly sins of resumé design
So you
�ve labored with sweat and tears writing your resumé, and now you�re all set to turn it into a magnificently designed creation. Unfortunately, when it comes to resumé design, both non-designers and professional designers can commit some almost unforgivable sins. For a better looking resumé, avoid these common mistakes:
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Rounded corners without images
Rounded Corners with CSS are a hot topic in web design: I think that there are hundreds of articles on them. This page is intended to present the solution I came up, that doesn't requires images, extra markup nor CSS.
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Selective focus may give drone aircraft eagle eyes
A trick that allows animals to focus on distant objects without losing a wider perspective could one day give drone aircraft sharper vision. Now, a computer by Nova Sensors "detection tracking algorithm" to identify windows of interest within a picture, applying tricks such as motion-tracking, tonal analysis and facial recognition.
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MAJOR PROBLEMS! It's not Firefox, it's Comcastic
It appears that there is a disconnect between Google and Comcast going on right now (breaking news?). We've gotten a number of field reports from users of Comcast's cable internet service across the state who are unable to connect to Gmail, Google, and Blogspot. One of our "internet outage spotters" chronicled a tech support conversation he had in
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Intel pledges 80 cores in five years.
CEO Paul Otellini reveals plans at IDF to ship a "teraflop" processor around the end of decade with 80 cores.
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New technology could nip DVD format war in the bud
The format war around next generation DVDs may be over before it has begun, thanks to a breakthrough from a British media technology company.
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September 25, 2006
Best of: Jon Stewart (not on the daily show)
Here are the best videos of Jon Stewart that aren't of him on The Daily Show. Appearances on Letterman, Dennis Miller, Larry King, Crossfire and more.
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Late-night quiz show host gets surprise from caller
The idea of the show is to call in with answers to win money. One caller absolutely shocks the host... His reaction is priceless.
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Greatest Pool Shot Ever
This is the final match of the 1995 Sands Regency Classic. The score is 12-12 in a race to 13 for $10,000. Efren "The Magician" Reyes tries to put a safety on Earl "The Pearl" Strickland but it backfires. What comes next is the greatest shot in pool history - the Z kick.
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The Car that Runs on Air
After twelve years of reserch and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century. A new type of engine being developed runs on compress air.
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2006 Penthouse Pet of The Year Runner Up Cassia Riley makes her camera man passout during a live internet show
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A MUST SEE - Northern Lights - Aurora Borealis Vid
One of the best northern lights videos ever caught on tape. This is an absolutely astonishing and beautiful video
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A MUST SEE - Northern Lights - Aurora Borealis Vid
One of the best northern lights videos ever caught on tape. This is an absolutely astonishing and beautiful video
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How to grab a gun away
This video shows you how to disarm an opponent that is holding a gun at you - he then shows you how to immobilize your opponent. Pretty handy stuff.
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50+ Ways a Manager can get Employees to Quit
I polled the other guys in my group and we built a damn good list of things that our IT manager did that led to him losing his $100K/year job. Note that I left a few specific things out because I don't need anyone getting pinched. If you repeat these things successfully, you too will get your team to hate you.
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Thousands of the Most Important Photographs of the Last 150 Years
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Even with a thousand words, how do you describe the look in a Mother's eye who does not know how she will feed her children, or the look on the face of a paratrooper minutes before the D-day invasion. The simple answer is that there are some stories that can only be told with pictures.
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Student Strip Search Bill goes to Senate
House bill HR 5295 made it out of committee and passed, and is now going to the Senate for review. This bill allows education officals and local police to just randomly search, all the way to a strip search, any student they want to, any time, based on suspicion only, basically whenever they feel like it and say the magic words.
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How to get a list of 4 million web sites
Dmoz (the Open Directory Project) is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web harboring over 4 million web sites and used by most search engines.
4 million web sites... That's a lot really... What could one do with a list of over 4 million web sites? Well now you can do whatever you want. And here's how to...
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Top 9 Apps To Help You Avoid The CIA
Technology On Crack once again provides a Top 10 countdown focusing this time on keeping your information from prying eyes. What makes these freely available applications interesting is that 9/10 of them may be strong enough to help you avoid serious government organizations.
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The TWiT store is up!
After almost a year of talking about it, and teasing us with talk of TWiT hoodies, caps, and more; Leo Laporte has at last made the TWiT store open to the public!
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The CrazyEgg has launched! a revolutionary website tracking service!
Track, evaluate and improve your website. Get a clear picture of where your visitors are clicking and enhance your site's results. With AJAX like click overlays, lists and heatmaps showing what on your site is popular and might need improvement. Crazy Egg is designed to help you continually test and improve your site. Check it out!
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If Only We Knew Then What We Know Now About Windows XP
Windows XP is turning five years old, but will anybody want to celebrate the occasion?
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HOW TO: Cut your electricity bill by 15%
Simple. Utility companies charge you different rates, depending on the day and time that electricity is consumed. The cheapest rate is at 3AM (no wonder). So this device accumulates electricity when it
�s cheap and then releases it during peak hours, when the rates are much higher. Brilliant, isn�t it?
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"Our social content engine is similar to Digg or Reddit, where members can post content and others can rate it. Based on content thresholds, who is doing the rating, karma and reputation, links make it to the homepage," Daniel says.
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5 ways to increase your blog traffic through content
Increasing the amount of links and web traffic into your blog can be hard. Here are 5 ways you can increase your blog traffic through content. The 5 ways include breaking news, posting on weekends, writing timeless posts, teach don't sell, and joining conversations.
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25 Best Free Quality Fonts
Most fonts presented below are absolutely license-free which means that you can use them for both private, personal and commercial purposes without any limitations whatsoever.
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Internet Shopping 2.0 takes Lead from Digg
Crowdstorm: Users recommend products, and the crowd defines the best products by agreeing or not. Good products go to the top of the list, weak products disappear. Sounds like Digg but for consumer products instead of news.
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How To Set Up A DHCP Server For Your LAN
This tutorial describes how to set up a DHCP server (ISC-DHCP) for your local network. DHCP is short for "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", it's a protocol that handles the assignment of IP addresses, subnet masks, default routers, and other IP parameters to client PCs that don't have a static IP address.
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