March 17, 2007

PIC: Moscow 360 ° panorama

Pan up, down, left, and right, actually fell like your standing in the Moscow snow. .........can look at up at the sky, or down at the ground below you.

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Image Mosaic Generator

Upload a picture and this will convert it into an Image Mosaic. Its very cool. If a picture is worth a thousand words an image mosaic is worth a billion words!

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Fastest way to find High-Quality Freebies on the Web (Google Search Trick)

Adding the word “free” to a Google search can increase your crappy results exponentially. Take advantage of both Google, and the social media sites in order to get instant highly relevant results, and quick access to freebies. It’s like using every social bookmarking site at once. Here’s how it works. . .

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March 16, 2007

Advice to Young Men from an Old Man

1. Don’t pick on the weak. It’s immoral. Don’t antagonize the strong without cause, its stupid.2. Don’t hate women. It’s a waste of time3. Invest in yourself. Material things come to those that have self actualized.4. Get in a fistfight, even if you are going to lose.5. ...

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Quote: Did the devil just shiver? Or was that the White House? Congress just passed extensive protection for whistleblowers, including scientists who think their work is being suppressed for political reasons. But 94 voted against it. Hmmm. Here’s an interesting little tidbit: not one Democrat voted against this bill. Not one.

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Screenshot Tour: Roll your own DVR and media center with MediaPortal

Never happy until the world of free, open source software takes the place of spendy software, I was thrilled when I finally got around to trying out previously mentioned MediaPortal, an open source media center application for Windows. Check out the gallery below for an up close look at the sexy feature set of MediaPortal

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20 social networking sites, ranked by traffic

According to Hitwise, social networking accounted for 6.5 percent of all U.S. Internet traffic in February 2007. MySpace still dominates with an 80% market share. Here are the top 20 sites.

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March 15, 2007

The Lost Art Of Pole Dancing

Amazingly talented pole dancer dancing to the tune of prodigy. This video makes you appreciate how hard it actually is to be able to strut your stuff around that pole. Amazing body control! SFW.

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Pearl Jam - Jeremy [The Story]

These are newspaper articles and people from the school who tell the story of the myth behind Jeremy Wade Delle, the inspiration for the song "Jeremy."

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Body Language: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

When 95% of communication is nonverbal it is important to know what messages your body is saying. Former FBI agent Joe Novarro talks about interpreting nonverbal cues or body language.

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1M archived pages removed post-9/11

More than 1 million pages of historical government documents — a stack taller than the U.S. Capitol — have been removed from public view since the September 2001 terror attacks, according to records obtained by the Associated Press. Some of the papers are more than a century old.

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Walgreens Marks Up Generic Drugs By 975%!

At Walgreens, 90 tablets of generic prozac costs $117. At Costco, it is $12. That is not a typo. Click on the link and find out how badly these stores are screwing people over on generic drug prices.

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CSS-Based Navigation Menus: Modern Solutions

Another great Smashing Magazine article

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First Pictures and Specs of The New Commodore Gaming PC's

After years anguishing as a ghost of gaming year’s gone-by, Commodore is looking to get back into the market with it’s line of high-end custom gaming PC’s. We've got an assortment of pictures straight from the all-new Commodore Gaming, plus a sample hardware run-down of it's top-of-the-line Cxx system.

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Turn google into your own free napster

type this {-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "DIGG"}in the search bar and replace DIGG with your favorite band, and you will only find open indexes that contain downloadable music files. This really works.

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Smoking 2.0 Give Lungs a Break

The NicStic is a cigarette-size plastic tube with a rechargeable heating coil that vaporizes tobacco instead of burning it.Pop a filter on the end of the tube, and in seconds it is warmed up enough for a nicotine fix without the smoke. Because it has no smoke, it also has none of the tar, arsenic, cadmium and formaldehyde of regular cigarettes

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March 13, 2007

$40 dollar restaurant steak explained in video, why does it cost so much?

Top chef shows you video tutorial on how to cook a restaurant style steak at home for $7 dollars. He makes it look so easy!!!

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Disturbing anti-meth commercials from Requiem for a Dream director

Darren Aronofsky and the Montana Meth Project bring you 12 haunting, unflinching commercials about Meth Addiction.

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78 questions you had about PS3 Home but were afraid to ask

A PDF found on Sony's developer website that answers a ton of questions about their upcoming Home service. Highlights include -- launch roll out date (October 2007); the size of the initial download (500 megs); friend limit cap (50); and the ability for retailers to have their own Home spaces.

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Motion Capture WITHOUT the ping pong balls and spandex suits

Organic Motion showed off their wares at the big Games Developers Conference in San Francisco. According to the company, instead of relying on reflections from a few markers placed on a person's body, its system automatically visualizes and captures thousands of natural points on a subject, turning it into a complete 3D scan in real-time.

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Sparta, Spandex and Disturbing Distortions of '300'

The battle of Thermopylae was real, but how real is the movie "300"? Ephraim Lytle, assistant professor of hellenistic history at the University of Toronto, has seen it and offers his view.

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Ever Wondered Who The RIAA Really Are?

The RIAA is actually made up of many different Record LabelsThese is a complete list of them all.Digg this article and crash the RIAA server!

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Ben Stein Digests Our Terrifically Broken Economy

There are soldiers' wives selling blood to buy toys for their kids. There is a man selling non-functioning body armor who threw a $10 million Bat Mitzvah for his daughter. This is a small part of what's new and exciting (or terrible) in America in the world of money right now.

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ShowYourself- Create A Widget of All Your Web 2.0 Identities for Your Blog

Really simple site that helps you make a cool widget for your blog or myspace. Fill in your usernames to many popular web 2.0 websites (including digg), and it auto-generates a widget that you can paste right into your blog. Code is public domain-ed, and you can even host the images yourself easily so you can store everything on your own server.

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Web Design Workflow - Complete Overview

A detailed overview of the complete web design process, from client consultation through design implementation into a fully functional coded site. Full images also shown for each step also shown.

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11 Ways to Optimize Your Mac's Performance

Lowendmac list a few applications and gives advice on how to keeping your mac running super fast.

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Trick Out Your Faucet for 20 Bucks With This Awesome Led Faucet Light

For just $19.99, you get a LED faucet light that streams blue water normally, but turns red as soon as it hits 89 degrees. Gimmicky, sure, but at that price how could you say no?

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Over a million free photos

This free image search engine is now searching over a million free photos, of creative commons and other licenses. Great resource for designers & bloggers!!

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Animated Atari Pong T-Shirt

Is this the "I'm with Stupid" shirt of this century? Maybe, if legions of geeks can get over the epilepsy inducing animation and the feeling of a warm battery pack digging into the ribcage

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SnoopTunes: Zune-like Wireless Sharing on an iPod

SnoopTunes is a small, bullet-vibrator-like device that was conceived by a 16-year-old girl. It plugs into your iPod and give it wireless sharing capabilities, like the Zune. As long as your friend has one, it allows you to shoot over anything from your iPod.

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March 12, 2007

Top 30 Strangest Deaths in History

My favorites: Death by Drowning at Lifeguard Party and Death from Holding a Pee in. Enjoy.

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Business Side of Web Design

A 40 step review of good processes and habits to run a Web design business.

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Complete Set of Faux Column CSS Layouts

There are 42 Faux Column CSS Layouts available for download. All of these css layouts use a background image to make it look like all the columns are of equal height. Great Resource

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Making Sense of Census Data With Google Earth

gCensus is a GIS mashup that combines data from the US Census Bureau and places into Google Earth. You can use it to create colorful overlays on maps showing population information (like age, family size, and race) organized by region (counties, cities, or even block-by-block). Best of all, it is completely free to use!

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300 was made with Final Cut Pro, Shake, Quicktime, and Macs

Macs were preferred by the filmmakers of 300. Even though Final Cut Pro was not the main editing software used for 300 it was preferred over Avid. Shake was also the main program used for the 2D effects and Quicktime HD was the choice for creating the HD movie previews.

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Windows Vista One Click Activator-BIOS Emulation Crack (Paradox and CLoNY)

Finally, a crack that activates Vista! There's been many cracks for Vista which were in the form of TimeStoppers. But this one does the trick. Activates vista without any hassle. Credit to Paradox and CLONY!

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ROTTEN TOMATOES: The Worst of the Worst Pictures

With the trusty Tomatometer as our guide, we've plowed through 100 of the rankest, foulest, most misbegotten movies to hit the multiplex in recent memory. But bad films can often be their own reward; whether you're looking for a howlingly bad time, or just looking for a list of what not to watch, ever, we're here to help.

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The Best and Most Brutal Fight Scene in 300 [video]

This video is very violent and ridiculously awesome.

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Interview: aXXo, The Most Popular DVD Ripper on BitTorrent

In real life, aXXo is just an average American teenager, but on the Internet he's a celebrity, with over a million people downloading his DVDrips every month. The search term "aXXo" is among the top searches on every torrent site, and even anti-piracy organizations

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Pentagon Missing 2.3 TRILLION Dollars!

Rumsfeld promised change but the next day – Sept. 11-- the world changed and in the rush to fund the war on terrorism, the war on waste seems to have been forgotten...

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Halliburton is Moving Their Headquarters from Houston to DUBAI

Oil services giant Halliburton Co. will soon shift its corporate headquarters from Houston to the Mideast financial powerhouse of Dubai, chief executive Dave Lesar announced Sunday.

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Why Intelligent People Tend To Be Unhappy

The rates of suicide, imprisonment and emotional dysfunction among highly intelligent people are much higher than for the average. Many are socially and emotionally underdeveloped or maldeveloped. Read on to learn why.

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Why the Nice Guy Fears Approaching Women

A website to help you stop being the nice guy that finishes last

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71 CSS Menus for free

Great list of resources for CSS developers

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life is absurd