April 6, 2007

Where Company Names Come From

Adidas, Adobe, Amazon, Apache, Apple, Canon, eBay, IKEA, Kodak, LEGO, Nokia, Oracle, Six Apart, Starbucks, Virgin, Volvo, etc. "Notice that you don’t see too many origins like 'Developed during brainstorming session with $100k naming consultant.'”

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How did David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty disappear?

Thanks to the magic of the Internet, you can watch the trick again. More than 20 years later, it's still pretty amazing.

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And Iraq's big oil contracts go to ...

Despite claims by some critics that the Bush administration invaded Iraq to take control of its oil, the first contracts with major oil firms from Iraq's new government are likely to go not to U.S. companies, but rather to companies from China, India, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

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10 Tools to help you Select a Web 2.0 Color Palette

"When it comes to designing any interface my biggest roadblock has to be deciding on a color scheme. Whether it be a standalone application or a new web layout, I could come up with the best interface design ever but no one would care if the color scheme is an assault on the senses. Lucky for me, there is plenty of help!"

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Your computer can learn your habbits to cut your electric bill

Via Treehugger.com: Interview with the maker of software that knows you write in spurts, knows that you leave for lunch between 11:30 and 12 every day, knows you never show up on the weekend. It learns your habits so that it can reduce its own power consumption accordingly, without inconveniencing you.

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How to punctuate a sentence?

Rules to be followed while punctuating a sentence. In which category shall I post this on Digg? :D

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Ever wondered what time you should leave for a long road trip?

Trippish is a free service that gives you driving directions with weather forecasts along the route. Trippish not only tells you what the weather is likely to be during your drive, but also allows you to determine the best time to leave based on current forecasts.

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Hackers Dissect Apple TV to Create the Cheapest Mac Ever

Apple TV is dead, long live the Mac Nano. Sort of.

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Google Launches Free 411 Service

Google threw a new product called Goog-411 into Google Labs today - a free telephone based information service that could replace toll 411 calls. About 2.6 billion 411 calls are made in the U.S. each year, and it is a $7 billion/year market.

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The BEST iPod Video Converter

You can convert all your videos to Ipod video format directly. Can process FLV (Flash Video Format), divx, xvid, mpg, mp4, dvd, vob, avi, wmv ,asf and many more formats. Plus, the best part about it is that it is 100% free! This is the only program I have ever seen that is able to convert internet video clips and your DVD rips.

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April 5, 2007

15 New Burnout 5 screenshots!

15 new Burnout 5 screen shots of which EA made other game sites take down

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Lewis Black to get his own talk show in Comedy Central

Following on the success of "The Colbert Report", another alumni of "The Daily Show" may get his own spin-off. Lewis Black's new pilot, "The Root of All Evil", will be taped this Thursday in Los Angeles. The show is described as a round-table discussion of current events between Black and other comedians. Can't wait to see it!

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LOST - Left Behind - Interesting Screencaps and Easter Eggs

Did you spot all these from last nights episode of Lost? Did you catch the Keypad sequence? John Locke's favourite game? Sawyer's Book?Also what did you think of the episode last night?

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30 Days as a Muslim

"Oscar-nominated documentary film maker Morgan Spurlock (SuperSize-Me) presents '30 days as a Muslim'. A Conservative Christian man spends 30 days living as a Muslim with a Muslim family."Clears up some pretty common stereotypes...

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How to draw Homer Simpson *Instructed by Homer Simpson*

Here's Homer telling you how to draw... well... himself.

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BILL MAHER owns EVANGELICAL (Michael Smerconish) Regarding 10 Commandments

"So it's more important to not work on Sunday or Swear than rape or child abuse?"

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All the Easter Eggs you can shake a stick at!

This website as every easter egg known to man, and some of the more cunning monkeys. There are easter eggs for dvds, software, games, tv, movies, books, and even art.

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Adobe Dreamweaver Tutorials

Smashing Magazine list their top Dreamweaver tutorial resources.

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April 4, 2007

Play hundreds of classic Nintendo 8-bit games on-line

Super Mario Brothers, Zelda, Mega Man, Castle-Vania and most of the other classic Nintendo titles playable directly in the browser without download. Gotta digg this!

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New attack cracks WEP in record time

Your home or office WiFi network may be even less secure than you think. Researchers have now shown that they can break 104-bit WEP, a common 802.11b/g/n security mechanism, in as little as one or two minutes.

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10 Photoshop Masters

There are people who really know how to push the boundaries of the photoshop and produce astonishing pieces of work.....

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When Animals Attack Reporters: The Top 5 Videos

"It’s cruel to even want to watch these videos. You do know that, right? Not just because people are attacked by animals. The added cruelty is you’ll be enjoying an animal attack on a human who only wanted to enlighten you."

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Legal guitar tabs return to the web

Madison, Wisconsin-based Musicnotes announced a licensing agreement with the Harry Fox Agency that will bring legal, ad-supported Music tablatures back to the 'Net.

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Under the Influence: How Lobbyists Wrote and Bought the Rx Drug Bill -VIDEO

60 Minutes tells the story of how pharmaceutical industry lobbyists literally wrote the historic Medicare Prescription Drug Bill and twisted arms to get the necessary votes to have it passed in the middle of the night.

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The Great Tennessee Marijuana Cave

Under this ordinary house is a marijuana grow-op unlike any you have ever seen. Within the caves of middle Tennessee, growers constructed a complex of offices, living quarters, restroom facilities, and a climate-controlled forest of over one thousand cannabis plants.

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PICTURES: Amazing Propaganda Posters

"Propaganda is a type of message aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of people. Instead of impartially providing information, propaganda is often deliberately misleading, using logical fallacies, that, while sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid. The following list includes some of the more amazing propaganda posters..."

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Ten Things Your Restaurant Will Not Tell You

Next time you decide to go out to eat, keep in mind these ten restaurant secrets. You may be better off eating at home.

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How you could look in the next 4 years if you start body building now

Month-by-month photos.

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Engineers Bring 'Invisibility' One Step Closer to Reality

The Purdue University engineers, following mathematical guidelines devised in 2006 by physicists in the United Kingdom, have created a theoretical design that uses an array of tiny needles radiating outward from a central spoke. The design, which resembles a round hairbrush, would bend light around the object being cloaked. Background objects....

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Human brain map

Explore the different parts of your brain, and discover which parts of your brain allow you to move, speak and feel anger.

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10 Creepiest Deep Sea Creatures


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Speed Up Windows Vista

Performance is probably the most coveted intangible when it comes to PCs, and tweaking, to the performance hungry, is considered more of a necessity than an option. Here's our set of tweaks that can help you turn up the throttle on your new operating system.

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Forget YouTube: Go To These Sites If You Want Hard Core Copyright Content

YouTube is clearly the most popular video sharing site on the web. But limits on video length, DMCA takedown notices and billion dollar lawsuits have damaged YouTube’s ability to facilitate serious copyright infringement. The smaller guys are now stepping in to fill the void.

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Mini Bookmarklets for quick reading of digg etc.

Tabbed browsing is sometimes a pain when you want to look up something quickly - for example the weather, sunrise/sunset times, a sports score or your RSS feeds. Of course you can simply open another tab to accomplish this. However, I am now using a new hack that combines bookmarklets, pop-up windows, widgets and mobile web sites.

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life is absurd