February 22, 2005

Landspeeder built out of modded Harley on eBay

Gary is selling his custom-built Land Speeder replica on eBay: This Landspeeder is built on top of a three-wheel Harley Davidson golf kart and seats two; there's room for you and your droid, Wookie or Jedi Master. This Landspeeder is perfect for driving around the local golf course or your lot. You could also take it to Burning Man 2005! It's loaded with features! * Built in talking car alarm with remote (says "System armed"; "System dis-armed" and "I've been tampered with!") * Built in PA system for yelling out things like "This is not the vehicle you're looking for, officer!" * Built in 70 watt audio amplifier and forward-facing 6 X 9 speakers for hooking up your MP3 player to blast out John Williams' excellent "Star Wars" theme!! * 350 watt - 110 volt AC Inverter! Perfect for plugging in a laptop in so you can surf the web, on the golf course! * Headlights, LED rear lights and incadescent side marker lights! * Animated engines pods containing hundreds of LED and incadescent lights! * Rope lighting! * Comes with handy "drink and drive" ice chest which fits behind the seat! * Powered by a 2 cycle Harley Davidson engine! Has forward and reverse! * Comes with gas can and 2 cycle oil * Comes with Two (count 'em) TWO animated light sabers! * Comes with spare tire and extra Drive Belt * includes loads of bumper stickers which say things like "Ewoks - it's what's for dinner" and "My kid light-sabered your honor student at Jedi Academy" [Link]

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