The Mac App Store's security has been cracked. This means that, by installing a software called Kickback, you will be able to pirate any applications in the store. However, the crack will not be available until February 2011, according to Dissident:
We don't want to release kickback as soon as the [Mac App] Store gets released. I have a few reasons for that.
Most of the applications that go on the Mac App Store [in the first instance] will be decent, they'll be pretty good. Apple isn't going to put crap on the App Store as soon as it gets released. It'll probably take months for the App Store to actually have a bunch of crappy applications and when we feel that it has a lot of crap in it, we'll probably release Kickback.
So we're not going to release Kickback until well after the store's been established, well after developers have gotten their applications up. We don't want to devalue applications and frustrate developers.
Dissident is a member of Hackulous, the community that cracked Apple's Digital Rights Management system for iOS.
While I don't support piracy, I understand the need to allow people to try apps for free, especially when there's so much crap out there. However, this opens the door to wide piracy, which is not good for anyone, developers and users alike in the long term.
That's why Apple should provide a test mode for all apps. Lite and trial versions don't cut it. It's cumbersome and not universal. Storewide 24-hour testing would be perfect, allowing users to quickly purchase or delete at any time during the trial period.
And they should do the same with iOS. [Gadgets DNA]
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