February 10, 2005

Jobs says: Three PC makers are hitting me up for OS X

Steve Jobs reveals in a recent in-depth interview he did with Fortune mag that “three of the biggest PC makers” are trying to convince him to license OS X for use in their machines, because their customers are “sick of the security problems that go with Windows and tired of waiting for Longhorn.” He doesn’t tell us what we really want to know: whether he said yes. [Mac Rumors]


Jonn Dailey said...

I hope he said no. We'll get our market share the proper way. Steve won't sell out.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see it happen, and I am a PC person. I like OS X because it is a tad like linux which helps me work it out. As for norton antivirus, why would you install a product that is such a poor performer and which costs money. There is this free thing called AVG....
Having a robust interoperability is a good thing for admins and endusers, so do it Steve!

life is absurd